Cass Martin

Fitness Model, Social Media Star

Cassandra (AKA. Cass) Martin is well known for her heavy lifting approach, and bodybuilder physique. With her partner as her very own personal trainer, she’s managed to build a name for herself with a huge following on social media.

With a healthy diet and a hard work ethic, Cass shows a continuous thirst for the fitness lifestyle. She’s won the hearts of millions of followers, along with inspiring women world-wide to build a powerful physique of their own.

This is her story:


“Nothing worth having comes easy. You have to work hard!”

Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Cass Martin
WeightHeightYear of BirthNationality
125 - 135lbs (56.7 - 61.2kg)5'5" (165cm)1990American
Fitness Model, Social Media StarCass
Weight125 - 135lbs (56.7 - 61.2kg)
Height5'5" (165cm)
Year of Birth1990
ProfessionFitness Model, Social Media Star



“I saw a few girls like Jamie Eason and Dana Linn Bailey, and thought it would be really cool to look like them.”


Construction Worker

Although Cass had always been naturally lean growing up, she wasn’t always a fitness enthusiast as a child. She also wasn’t the typical teenage girl; she was more interested in sports and hobbies more commonly associated with boys her own age.

After graduating from College, Cass began working as a full-time construction worker alongside her boyfriend.


Cass working in the construction industry.


Cass had always been aware of the fitness industry due to her partner’s keen interest in it. However, she only found the desire to sculpt her dream physique after seeing female bodybuilding icon, Jamie Eason, on the cover of a magazine.

This was the first time she’d seen a muscular female physique, and immediately, she became inspired to get lean, and gain muscle mass. At this point, Cass set her sights on building a figure similar to her fitness icon’s body – at the age of 23, she began training in the gym.

Through hard work, determination, and the help of her fitness-obsessed boyfriend, Cass made serious progress to her figure.



Lifting Heavy Weights

After venturing into the world of bodybuilding, it wasn’t long until Cass had become aware of the legends of the sport. She saw a video of Ronnie Coleman lifting weights and was inspired by the brute force of the Mr. Olympia legend.

Becoming fascinated by Ronnie’s strength and charisma – she knew that she wanted to increase her lifts. It was at this point, when Cass began training with heavier weights to achieve her new goal.



Fitness Journey

A couple of months later, Cass’ fascination for bodybuilding had peaked – she’d fallen in love with working out.

She began following the journey of fitness athletes on social media in her spare time – Cass was motivated by the intense training sessions of other fitness models, and how they managed to retain their femininity during their workouts.

She began to idolize female athletes such as Dana Linn Bailey – respecting how Dana presented herself, not needing to expose herself sexually, but purely through her training in the gym and work ethic.

For the next year, Cass continued to develop her physique. After realizing her goal of building a powerful figure, it wasn’t long until she was recognized for her aesthetics.



Online Sensation

At the start of 2016, Cass created an Instagram profile, aiming to spread her passion for fitness with others. However, she didn’t expect to receive such a reception; almost immediately, she started to attract fans, with many fascinated by how she was able to stay feminine while being muscular and strong.

By the end of 2016, Cass had gained masses of online followers. As a result, she’s become arguably the biggest female fitness sensation in the modern era.

Due to her passion for bodybuilding, Cass is now admired on bodybuilding forums all over the internet. This is just one of the places where she inspires a huge fan-base to begin their fitness journey, and to lead a healthy lifestyle of their own.



“When it comes to my training, the basic movements have worked best for me.”


Cass enjoys training 6 days per week with heavy weights, always pushing her limits. She’ll mix up her workouts so her body doesn’t get used to a certain routine – sometimes performing 3-7 reps in sets of 4, but then performing up to 12-15 reps in other sessions.

Cass trains individual muscle groups every day, apart from leg days, as she believes her body responds the best to this. She works through 4 exercises per session, adding in super-sets occasionally.

Workout Routine

Cass’s routine looks something like this:

Monday – Quads & Calves

  • Back Squats 4 x 8-10
  • Hack Squats 4 x 15-20
  • Front Squats 4 x 8-10
  • Leg Press 4 x 15-20
  • Seated Leg Extensions 4 x 15
  • Seated Calf Raises 4 x 20-30

Tuesday – Chest

  • Flat Bench Press 4 x 6-8
  • Incline Bench Press 4 x 8-10
  • Incline Dumbbell Fly’s 3 x 10-12
  • Cable Fly’s 3 x 12-15

Wednesday – Back

  • Wide Grip Pull Ups 4 x Failure
  • Wide Grip Pulldowns 4 x 12-15
  • Bent-Over Barbell Rows 4 x 10-12
  • T-Bar Rows 4 x 8-12
  • One-Arm Dumbbell Rows 4 x 10-12
  • Seated Cable Rows 4 x 10-12
  • Deadlifts 4 x 5-8

Thursday – Glutes, Hamstrings & Calves

  • Lying Leg Curls 4 x 12-15
  • Seated Leg Curls 4 x 12-15
  • Walking lunges 4 x 12-15 (per leg)
  • Romanian Stiff Legged Deadlifts 4 x 12-15
  • Glute Kickbacks 4 x 15 (per leg)
  • Standing Calf Raises 4 x 20-30

Friday – Shoulders

  • Side Lateral Raises 4 x 10-12
  • Front Raises 4 x 10-12
  • Military Press 4 x 8-10
  • Single-Arm Lateral Raises 4 x 10-12
  • Bent-Over Raises 4 x 10-12
  • Pec Dec Fly’s 4 x 12-15 (Superset)
  • Single-Arm Side Lateral Cable Raises 4 x 12-15

Saturday – Arms

  • Straight Bar Curls 4 x 10-12
  • EZ-Bar Curls 4 x 12-15
  • Alternating Curls 4 x 15 (each arm)
  • Rope Curls 4 x 12-15 (Superset)
  • Straight Bar Curls 4 x 12-15
  • Machine Dips 4 x 12-15
  • Skull Crushers 4 x 8-10
  • Lying Dumbbell Extensions 4 x 12
  • Close Grip Pushdowns 3 x 12-15
  • Rope Pushdowns 3 x 12-15

Sunday – Rest



“My diet is fairly basic, and I keep it very consistent. I enjoy eating lots of carbohydrates – as well as a variety of red meats.”


Cass aims to eat up to 6 meals per day, keeping her body fueled, and her metabolism high. While cutting body fat, she eats very clean, keeping her carbs to a minimum.

However, most of the time, Cass follows her lean bulking diet – regularly consuming high amounts of carbs, red meat, and green vegetables.

Diet Plan

Bulking Diet

Cass’s bulking diet looks like this:

  • Breafast – 2 full eggs, 4 egg whites and 4oz beef hamburger
  • Snack – 2 ounces Turkey Sausage, 2 Whole Eggs, 4 Egg Whites and 1 cup Oatmeal
  • Lunch – 1 scoop Protein
  • Snack – 5 ounces Ground Beef, 2 cups Jasmine Rice and 1 cup Broccoli
  • Dinner – 1 scoop Protein
  • Snack – 6 ounces Sirloin Steak, 2 cups Jasmine Rice and 1 cup Asparagus Spears

Cutting Diet

While cutting bodyfat, Cass follows this diet:

  • Breakfast – 2 cups of oatmeal
  • Snack – 2 full eggs
  • Lunch – Turkey sausages and green vegetables
  • Snack – Eggs and turkey sausages
  • Dinner – 2 full eggs

Supplement Stack

  • Pre Workout Supplement
  • Whey Protein
  • Multi-vitamin


Editor’s Tip

Inspired to reach your maximum potential like Cass? Read our comprehensive guide on how fat burning supplements can really up your game!



“When I began to become involved on social media, I started receiving such an overwhelming following and so much support; it really inspired me to keep going.”

Idols and Influences

Cass was first inspired to embark on her fitness journey after seeing Jamie Eason on the cover of a magazine. However, once she delved further into the world of bodybuilding, she was motivated to become stronger by Ronnie Coleman and Dana Linn Bailey.

The social media and fitness icon also credits her fans as her main source of inspiration; being motivated by other people’s fitness journeys.



“I just love knowing that I am helping to motivate others reach their goals too.”

What we can learn from Cass Martin

Cass has taught us that to be feminine, you don’t have to stick to the stereotypes of ‘what is girly.’ She’s become a female fitness icon after building a strong, muscular physique.

You shouldn’t conform to what society regards as normal if you aren’t happy. Just be yourself, and everyone will appreciate your hard work.

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Exactly, she is georgeous but clearly not natural. She didn’t go overboard with her roids just enough to look muscular as hell and still very feminine.

Great article. She is sooo inspiring. Also my wife follows her, and because of it, now we both train together.
Go Champ????

Wow, I’ve seen her videos, she’s very impressive and dedicated, wow, and she is so strong for her size, and she’s gorgeous. what are her stats ?

Ain’t no way she initially ate that type diet to build muscle…maybe when she cutting but there Is no complex carbs and she has lot muscle…she would had no energy to lift those heavy weights.

Hi Bethany,

Thanks for your comments!

You’re absolutely right, to build muscle, complex carbs can play an important role when looking to build muscle mass. We’ve done a little digging to find Cass’ bulking diet, this time around, it contains more carbs.

Thanks again for your comments.

All the best,

Greatest Physiques

Thank you so much for this article! I’m a heavy weight lifter and get a lot of grief from my male counterparts to quit getting “big”. She’s what I aim to look like. Thank you for the inspiration

Hi Kit,

You’re welcome! Cass inspires us all to keep lifting and chasing our goals! Glad you enjoyed her profile!

All the best,


You’ll need to use steroids, she is not natural. Jamie Eason is mentioned as her inspiration, that women is natural. Use her as a standard to obtain.

Inspirational and doesn’t have to be overly sexual and half naked while showing us her results.I just started back weight lifting and a few powerlifting routines..far from my goals but with God’s help I will achieve them. I need motivation bc no on else I know is training.

I can do all things through Christian Jesus who gives me strength.

When i feel lazy…i just look at my wallpaper n i get innspire by just looking at her pics n workouts.I never miss her workout videos..i just it…so keep it up…????

Always Take up one idea. Make that one idea our life-think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success…and i get that idea by just looking at u…?

U r so beautiful.u r strong girl with beauty.u have attractive physique.I love it.keep it up Cass.never give up.take care ur self……..,??


November 7, 2017 at 7:02 pm


You’ll need to use steroids, she is not natural. Jamie Eason is mentioned as her inspiration, that women is natural. Use her as a standard to obtain.

Hello Peter
As a champion bodybuilder and lover of all things Iron, I am quite offended at your statement. I have a question for you. Have you ever wanted to or been really good at anything? It amuses me how some people immediately credit the chemicals for the great results, yet there are people who abuse chemicals who will never get the look they desire because they depend upon the chemicals solely to produce the ascetically pleasing physique they desire. Pause. Since you like to condemn people and you are judge jury and executioner, I’ll ask another question… When you take your lazy ass to happy hour, are you not “enhancing” the cool that you lack? Here’s another, when you attempt sex with hopefully a person, I know your test levels suck, and your libido is non-existent because obviously your estrogen levels are through the roof, do you not reach for a little blue pill to enhance? Uhh huh see I knew it! Get yo ass to the gym and lift something and leave that lady be! Loser! Blessings….
Chems or not, the work still has to be done, and that is what deserves respect. I won’t argue about the usages etc. or how Steroids have actually been medically proven when used properly to assist in various health diseases and treatments, I will just say to please educate yourself on a subject before selecting reply. Trust me, you will be a much better person for doing so!

U r my favourite fitness model.. I really inspired to u… Nd ur physique.. Is awsm… I really want 2 meet u.. Cassandra martin..

Ela é linda, tem um corpo super definido e uma pele macia e bem clara, longos cabelos americanos, gostei muito, parece uma Campeã Olímpica, algumas eu andei encontrando no Rio de Janeiro – RJ em 2016 nas Olimpíadas, o que faz? Onde vive lá? gostaria de saber mais.

how come all these lifters eat hugh amount of foods that are high in cholestrol (beef,whole eggs,etc). is’nt it unhealthy. would like some clarification on it.

They may say she’s not a Natty. But look at her daily life. 😉 She works full-time in construction (gutting and renovating houses) and throws around 50 lb bags of concrete, drywall and beams at work . The gym is only part of her daily workout.

Good read. With all that food she must poop like an elephant. My girl has been trying to follow her lead and can’t eat all that. Cass is an inspiration to women everywhere.

Pete sounds like a jealous little queen. Is “using roids” your excuse for everything? Not that she works out religiously..or she has always been athletic.. or she works construction? Congrats douchebag, you’ve managed to suck at life. Enjoy your participation trophy.

I become a fan of cass yesterday. Because I joined jim before 2 month .I really need a role model for my jim workout and I start searching on web and finally I find it that is Cassandra martin absolutely she is awesome.

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