Andrei Deiu

Bodybuilder, Model


The London fitness model has been competing since the age of 17 years old in competitions such as the Miami Pro in 2014. However, Andrei’s life hasn’t always been fitness and bodybuilding like many other professional athletes.

There was a time he’d eat junk food and play video games all day long. His weight crept up and his confidence diminished. Andrei also suffered from bullying which only knocked him down further.

Needless to say, Andrei’s now become one of the best fitness models in the UK. He continues to train and perfect his diet every day to make sure he’s the best version of himself.

This is his story:



Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Andrei Deiu
175 - 185lbs (79.4 - 83.9kg)5'11" (180cm)44"28"
Romanian Bodybuilder, Model2010
Weight175 - 185lbs (79.4 - 83.9kg)
Height5'11" (180cm)
ProfessionBodybuilder, Model





  • 2011 Miami Pro Winner




Early Years

Andrei Deiu hasn’t always been the active, and healthy person he’s been known as. In his younger years, he used to play a lot of video games, and eat of junk food. At the time, Andrei didn’t think too much about the possible health implications this lifestyle might have had for his future.

As his weight slowly started to increase, his confidence started to drop. It wasn’t only his weight which pulled his confidence down, he also suffered from bullying in high school. This only made Andrei feel worse.

Andrei realized he had to do something about the bullying and his weight, this, as Andrei recalls, “that’s how I got started.”

Starting his journey into fitness, he wasn’t sure of the outcome, Andrei said; “In the beginning, I wasn’t very confident about the outcome of my journey, and everything seemed impossible to me.” With no idea about nutrition or training, he went at it alone.

Success With Bodybuilding

In 2011, Andrei entered his first competition and flew over to Miami where he presented an awesome physique for a 17-year-old. He now continues to train and improve on his weaker areas to hopefully come back year after year making the top spot as a Pro Bodybuilding Competitor.

Fitness Model

Andrei has now become a successful fitness model and can be seen on numerous advertisements for clothing brands and fitness apparel. His awesome physique has taken him from couch potato playing video games all day long, to becoming one of the best in his class. It’s clear to see Andrei’s hard work paid off.



“I think this transformation was the best change I ever could have made in my life. I didn’t only make a physical change, but also a big mental change too. Now, I see things a lot differently!”


Andrei is always looking to improve on his weaker areas and includes a fully comprehensive workout to target veery single muscle group throughout the week. Andrei generally works on a split training schedule with variety in weight and repetitions.

Andrei’s Workout

Monday: Chest/Shoulders

  • Incline Barbell Chest Press 4 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Press Ups Incline 4 x 10-12
  • Cable Fly’s Incline 4 x 10-15
  • Flat Dumbbell Press 4 x 8-10 (Last Set Drop Set)
  • Machine Chest Fly’s 4 x 10-12
  • Seated Lateral Raises 6 x 10-15 (Last Set Drop Set)

Tuesday: Back/Abs

  • Pull Ups 3 x Failure
  • Pulldowns 5 x 10-12
  • Seated Cable Row 4 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Machine Pullovers 4 x 10-12
  • One Arm Dumbbell Row 3 x 8-10
  • Deadlifts 3 x 8-10
  • Leg Raises 4 x 15-20
  • Cable Crunches 3 x 10-5

Wednesday: Shoulders

  • Military Press 4 x 8-10 (Superset)
  • Barbell Front Raises 4 x 8-10
  • Seated Side Lateral Raises 5 x 10-15
  • Standing One Arm Lateral Raises 5 x 10-12
  • Seated Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises 4 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Reverse Pec Deck Fly’s 4 x Failure
  • Dumbbell Shrugs 4 x 8-10

Thursday: Cardio/Abs

  • 1 Hour Incline Treadmill (Steady State)
  • Decline Leg Raises 4 x 12-15
  • Cable Crunches 4 x 10-15
  • Hanging Oblique Knee Raises 3 x 10

Friday: Quads/Calves

  • 15 Minutes Warm Up Bike
  • Squats 6 x 8-15
  • Narrow Stance Leg Press 4 x 12-15
  • Leg Extensions 6 x 10-15 (Superset)
  • Single Leg Extensions 6 x 5
  • Standing Calve Raises 5 x 16-18 (Reduce Weight to 50% for 8 Reps)
  • Standing Calve Raises 4 x 10-15

Saturday: Arms/Abs

  • EZ-Bar Skull Crushers 4 x 10-12
  • Rope Pushdowns 5 x 10-15
  • Reverse Single Arm Extensions 3 x 10-12
  • Barbell Curls 4 x 8-10 (Superset)
  • Reverse Barbell Curls 4 x 8-10
  • Seated Concentration Curls 4 x 10-12
  • Air Bike 4 x 15-20
  • Side Lateral Leg Raises 4 x 10-12

Sunday: Hamstrings/Calves

  • Lunges 4 x 10-12
  • High/Wide Stance Leg Press 5 x 10-12
  • Seated Leg Curls 5 x 10-12
  • Straight Legged Deadlifts 3 x 10-15
  • Calf Press (Using Leg Press) 5 x 10-15
  • Standing Calve Raises 3 x 10




“I really try to keep it as healthy as possible. However, if I feel like having a cheat meal once or twice a week, I go for it!”


Andrei says he relies on his genetics for his ripped physique. However, there are some rules he will follow and certain food groups he’ll stick to the most. Hi diet consists of clean sources of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

“I usually stay lean year round, but at the same time, I try to put on some quality muscle.”

Andrei’s Diet

  • 1st Meal: 2 Whole Eggs, 6 Egg Whites, 1 cup Oats, 2 ounces Berries and 1 teaspoon Peanut Butter
  • 2nd Meal: 7 ounces Chicken Breast, 5 ounces White Rice and 1 cup Broccoli
  • 3rd Meal: 5 ounces Fish or Chicken and 7 ounces Sweet Potato
  • Post Workout: 2 scoops Whey Isolate and 1 ½ ounces Dextrose
  • 4th Meal: 7 ounces Chicken, 5 ounces Sweet Potato and 1 cup Vegetables
  • 5th Meal: 5 ounces Steak and 1 cup Green Beans
  • 6th Meal: 1 cup Cottage Cheese or Greek Yogurt and 1 handful Almonds


  • Protein
  • BCAA’s
  • Fish Oil
  • Flax Seed
  • Multi and Mineral Vitamins
  • Fat Burners
  • CLA’s

Editor’s Tip

Inspired to reach your true potential like Andrei? Read our in-depth guide on how testosterone boosting supplements can really enhance your game!


“The results and improvements that I see day by day continue to motivate me and keep me hungry for more. The more I achieve, the higher I raise my goals.”

Idols and Influences

It’s clear to see Andrei is hungry to improve on his physique year after year, his motivation comes from wanting to become the best version of himself possible. He’ll work tirelessly to make sure his workouts are better than the one previous, along with making lean gains, and a diet that is on-point.



What we can learn from Andrei Deiu

Andrei wasn’t always the healthiest of people, his playing video games all day long and eating junk food non-stop soon caught up with him. This along with the bullying at school really started to get him down. But Andrei’s a fighter, and he knew he had to do something about it and quickly.

Rising above all of these difficulties, Andrei shows us it’s not too late to make a positive change. It wasn’t all smooth sailing, there were plenty of moments he had to learn and adjust to his new diet and training schedule. However, Andrei never gave up.

There are three pieces of advice Andrei gives to anyone looking to make a positive change in their life. These are;

  1. Stay consistent and dedicated.
  2. Always be hungry.
  3. Never give up. – Andrei Deiu


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Hi Anonim, thanks for your comment. That’s now been updated!

All the best,

Greatest Physiques

Se les olvidó mencionar la testo como base el dianabol y la trembo????? que horror cuando veo cosas como esta,,no estoy en contra de los esteroides,,pero vamos que el que tiene una mi Niña idea de lo que es un físico así sabe que sin tales sustancias es imposible

Iam daily hard workout body building,i like sexy physics body,so andrei deiu hard workout then very motivate,my favourite builder, my roll model roll andrei,your workout video everyday iam watching so body great shepe.iam every hard workout my target my life goal in conquer.very more and more gym intractable addict

Really i want a good or beutiful physique like andrie❤️ but my luck not support me to achieve it ?
I will trying

I need to get bigger muscles and big chest because I need to get six pack abs workout and i want to get taller I want to be bodybuilding some day

In my personal view he is greatest of all time among all the bodybuilders till date. His physique is awesome with a cute smile

Well done Andrei. I am so proud when I see Romanian successful people. This is how Romanian people are, think and act.

2021 – Time to update his stats; Andrei is now weighing in at 195lbs on stage (as of Texas Pro July 2021), and roughly 208lbs…and it has been all LEAN Gains!

*Time to update Andrei’s profile; he’s weighing in at 195lbs on STAGE now, and it’s All Muscle gain and he looks Fantastic.

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