Bella Rahbek posing in the gym looking fit

Bella Rahbek

Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Entrepreneur

Bella Rahbek is a Danish fitness coach and entrepreneur known for her inspiring transformation.

Bella started her journey into fitness as a slim 15-year old teenager. She became tired of the comments she received for her ‘skinny looks’ and decided to change it by lifting weights.

“I was really skinny as a child and I was able to build curves and get stronger throughout the time but it wasn’t easy. I went through many trial and errors and it has been a really long journey.”

Through the process of transformation, Bella not only built her ideal figure. She also became a fitness coach for other people – and now lives her dream career.

This is her story:

Bella Rahbek training with resistance bands in the gym

Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Bella Rahbek
HeightAgeDate of BirthNationality
5'7" (170cm)29July 30, 1995Danish
Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Entrepreneurbellarahbek2010
Height5'7" (170cm)
Date of BirthJuly 30, 1995
ProfessionCertified Personal Trainer, Fitness Entrepreneur

Bella Rahbek posing in her grey leggings outdoors, looking curvy and fit

“Many try to “out-train” their bad diet, thinking by going to the gym alone will give them weight loss or even weight gain, while they’re totally neglecting their nutrition and are just guessing that this or that is enough to reach their goal.”


  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fitness Model
  • Online V-Blogger

Bella Rahbek posing with resistance bands on top of a building

“I wasn’t always as curvy, I actually used to be the complete opposite. I used to be the toothpick, the skinny girl that was the target of the comments like “you should eat some more” “you’re too skinny”, etc.”


Bella’s Childhood

Bella Rahbek was born in 1995 and was raised in Denmark. She was raised by health-conscious parents; her mother enjoyed cooking healthy foods for the family.

Looking back now, Bella appreciates this because it made her learn about nutrition from an early age.

However, due to her fast metabolism, Bella was relatively skinny. This attracted comments from her peers in school. They criticized Bella for her appearance. As a result, she became self-conscious about her body.

“People would come up to me and ask me: Are you okay? You look very skinny. Comments like these started getting to me and I started to turn my positive body image into something negative.”

Bella Rahbek sitting on a sofa in a bikini looking fit and curvy

Delving Into Fitness

Bella became frustrated with the comments she received about her looks and decided to do something about it.

She started browsing the Internet looking for tutorials on “how to get curvy and strong”.

It was during this search that Bella stumbled upon weight training, and it instantly caught her attention.

She told her mom to buy her a pair of dumbbells so she could train at home. At the age of 15, Bella embarked on her fitness journey.

Bella Rahbek doing squats in the gym


When Bella first started working out, she didn’t have the knowledge on how to train correctly. Because of this, her progress was slow at first.

However, this soon changed after Bella started learning from the internet and fitness magazines. After a couple of months, her figure grew stronger and curvier just like she wanted.

Motivated to keep the progress coming, Bella soon joined the gym. There, she had a whole new range of machines and equipment right at her fingertips – allowing her to take her physique to the next level.

Bella Rahbek's incredible fitness transformation

Bella’s 10-year transformation.

Turning Fitness Into a Business

Over the years, Bella achieved amazing transformation and documented it all on social media.

Fans started coming to her pages, and soon, Bella was presented with an opportunity to work as a personal trainer.

She seized the opportunity and hasn’t let go ever since – growing into a successful fitness coach and entrepreneur.

Bella Rahbek fitness transformation from skinny to fit


Training Intensity

Bella Rahbek works out in the gym 6 days per week. Her training sessions last anywhere from 30-120 minutes, depending on how free she is.

Bella says that this training frequency is what works for her since she’s been training in the gym since the age of 15. “My body can take this kind of workload.”

That said, she doesn’t believe everyone should follow the same routine. Especially beginners.

She advises doing 3-4 workouts per week at most if just starting out. Then, as the progress starts coming, she says it’s okay to do more.

Bella Rahbek training outdoors with resistance bands

Weekly Workout Split

Bella does full body workout on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are her abs and calves days. If necessary, she also might throw in a quick cardio session on these weekdays.

Saturdays are dedicated for big and heavy movements or anything else that Bella would like to focus on. As she says; “I just like to squat it out, or go through the entire workout doing deadlifts.” – Bella Rahbek

Bella Rahbek flexing her biceps in the gym selfie

Full-Body vs. Split Workouts

Bella is a huge fan of full-body workouts and doesn’t find body part splits as effective.

She believes that training just one body part per workout wastes a lot of progress. As Bella says; “It leaves a lot of progress on the table.” 

Ever since she switched from training one body part per week to full-body training 4 times a week, Bella has noticed a lot more results in the mirror.

Cardio Routine

Bella does HIIT cardio two times per week to maintain her physique.

She usually does cardio on the same day when she trains calves and abs.

However, if Bella wants to lose fat fast, she’ll do cardio 3-4 times per week with longer duration.

Glute Workout

  • StairMasters (warm-up), 5 minutes
  • Hip Abduction, 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Hip Bridges, 10-12 reps
  • Glute Pushdowns, 3 sets of 10-12 reps with each leg
  • Cable Kickbacks, 3 sets of 10-12 reps with each leg

Bella Rahbek sitting in the gym with resistance bands around her legs, looking fit and curvy

Gaining Weight

According to Bella, most girls who want to gain weight and muscle tone do it all wrong. They are afraid of lifting heavy compound movements because of the assumption that this will make them “bulky,” but Bella says it’s the exact opposite.

By doing heavy lifts, she was able to transform her figure from slim to curvy and fit. In Bella’s opinion, cardio and light weights don’t come close to heavy weight training when it comes to building an awesome, feminine body.

Bella Rahbek showcasing her glutes wearing a swimming suit on the beach


Moderation is Key

While Bella counts her calories and macros, she never takes it to the extreme.

She doesn’t restrict any food group; eating everything in moderation.

“Some of the biggest myth is that carbs are bad and fats are bad. Don’t be afraid of neither, but consume in moderation and stick to the healthy fats and carbs to keep overall health but also build lean mass while keeping your body fat percentage low.” – Bella Rahbek

Bella Rahbek showcasing her curvy glutes in a fitness photo shoot

Caloric Surplus

Bella accompanies her intense training sessions with a diet packed in quality calories.

If she wants to gain lean and healthy muscle, she’ll consume more calories than she burns. This gives her body the building blocks needed for repair and growth.

Bella Rahbek flexing her back and biceps in the gym

Idols and Influences

Although Bella was initially affected by the negative comments from her peers about her ‘skinny’ body, she later used it as a motivation to improve herself and grow stronger.

In a way, these ‘critics’ were Bella’s influences, because their comments spurred her on to start her transformation and never look back.

Bella Rahbek taking a selfie of her awesome figure in the gym bathroom

What we can learn from Bella Rahbek

Bella Rahbek has shown us that you can turn almost any situation in your life into a positive one.

She was criticized for her slim looks in school, but she pushed past this – using the criticism as her fuel to prove anyone who doubted her wrong.

With the same kind of mindset, you too can make the best of any situation that life throws at you.

Bella’s Motivational Message

“Hope to inspire some of you women reading this that yes it is possible!

Don’t give up on yourself, you just need the right information to make serious results and stay consistent with doing what’s right to be able to achieve what you want to achieve!” – Bella Rahbek

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Just found your YouTube channel look 4ward 2 seeing more of your vlogs.
I have been working on my transformation last year and still taking it 1 day at a time.
There is alot to learn.
Thank you for your awesome inspiring vlogs.

Just found your YouTube channel look 4ward 2 seeing more of your vlogs.
I have been working on my transformation last year and still taking it 1 day at a time.
There is alot to learn.
Thank you for your awesome inspiring vlogs.

Just found your YouTube channel look 4ward 2 seeing more of your vlogs.
I have been working on my transformation last year and still taking it 1 day at a time.
There is alot to learn.
Thank you for your awesome inspiring vlogs.

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