Cass Olholm stretching on the beach in her sports suit

Cass Olholm

Fitness Trainer, Nutritionist

Cass Olholm is a fitness photoblogger, trainer, nutritionist, and self-taught yoga practitioner. She encourages people to lead a lifestyle that’s both healthy, and balanced. As Cass likes to say;“I encourage a life of balance – think green smoothies with the occasional donut.”

Cass was brought up in a family that values an active lifestyle and healthy diet. Her parents encouraged her to pursue her goals and ambitions from a young age. As a result, Cass began participating in CrossFit training programs, yoga classes, and even marathon runs – enjoying the fitness lifestyle to its fullest.

Taking her passion to the internet and social media. Cass soon gathered a small community of followers with her awesome pictures and videos. Taking on a role of fitness trainer and nutrition expert, she’s since helped many of these people transform their physiques, and lives through regular exercise and a healthy diet.


Cass Olholm posing outdoors in her sports outfit looking fit and lena

“I’m a big advocate for eating wholesome, nourishing foods from the earth that make you feel energized and alive. I love to share my knowledge and passion for health, food, and exercise with the aim of empowering others with their own understanding of a healthy and active lifestyle.”

Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Cass Olholm
AgeDate of BirthNationalityProfession
34October 24, 1990AustralianFitness Trainer, Nutritionist
Date of BirthOctober 24, 1990
ProfessionFitness Trainer, Nutritionist


Cass Olholm stretching her lean and fit legs

“Exercise because you love your body, because you are grateful for all the incredible ways it allows you to move, and because of those freaking awesome endorphins. Don’t exercise as punishment for what you ate.”


  • Photoblogger
  • Fitness Trainer
  • Nutritionist


Cass Olholm preparing to do a heavy barbell exercise


A Lifelong Commitment to Fitness

Cass Olholm has always been enthusiastic about living the healthiest lifestyle possible. Her parents encouraged Cass to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and work hard for her dreams from a young age.

These traits and values only solidified over the years, as Cass says; “From there, my passion for what makes a healthy and well human body grew as my knowledge of health and nutrition grew.”

Taking on CrossFit, yoga, and running, Cass soon developed a strong bond with the fitness lifestyle. She shared her journey on social media, posting pictures and videos of her day-to-day activity.

Before long, Cass became overwhelmed with the positive response from the people who found her online. Realizing she could make an impact not just her own life, but on others as well, Cass set out on a journey to become a training coach and nutritionist – sharing her advice with an ever-increasing number of people.


Cass Olholm standing in the river wearing a white bikini


Cass Olholm's body transformation in fitness


Cass Olholm is an early riser – she wakes up at around 5:30 AM every morning. This is the time where she has the most energy and productivity. She likes to work out early in the morning, either on an empty stomach or after a nutritious breakfast.

She works out either once or twice per day, incorporating CrossFit, yoga, stretching, and running into her routine.

Typically, Cass will do CrossFit three times per week. These are her ‘main’ training days, where she lifts heavy compound movements to stay strong and fit.

On other days, Cass will do lighter forms of exercise such as walking, running, or yoga. These activities help her stay lean and athletic.


Cass Olholm showcasing her lean and fit physique in front of healthy food on the table


Cass Olholm exercising with a pair of dumbbels on a yoga mat

“Let’s remember that supplements are exactly that. They are there to supplement your diet, not replace it. Secondly, different people need different supplements for different things so just because I or anyone else takes these supplements, doesn’t necessarily mean you also need to take them.”


If there’s one thing Cass is most passionate about, it’s her diet. As a qualified nutritionist, she pays special attention to what she eats and how she nourishes her body. She likes to eat several smaller meals per day, as opposed to a few big ones.

Specifically, Cass eats six or seven meals per day. She usually has a big green smoothie first thing in the morning. It consists of all the essential nutrients, including proteins, healthy fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals. She also drinks a strong black coffee after her smoothie.

Later in the morning, Cass will have green tea and a piece of fruit. If she feels hungrier than usual, she’ll eat a homemade muesli bar. For lunch, she typically has tuna with rice and a big bowl of salad. A few hours later, Cass will have her fourth meal of the day, which is usually the same as her mid-morning snack – consisting of fruit and homemade protein bars.

Her dinner consists of salmon, mashed sweet potatoes, and some green vegetables. As a healthy dessert, Cass likes to have a bar or two of a dark chocolate with strawberries.


Cass Olholm lying by the pool looking fit and lean


Cass Olholm doing overhead press with kettlebells on a grass field outdoors

“Taking a moment to remind myself that I am one person, I am enough, and I’m doing the best I can.”

Idols and Influences

Early in her life, Cass was influenced by her parents who encouraged her to exercise and eat healthily.

Thanks to her parents, Cass developed a passion for nutrition and health, leading her to become who she’s today.


Cass Olholm performing pull-ups looking lean and muscular


Cass Olholm sitting on a fence by the sea, looking lean and healthy

“If you are just starting out in your health and fitness journey or if you have just set yourself some new goals, don’t compare yourself to me or any person who you may find motivating or inspiring. But at the same time remember that we were all once beginners too.”

What we can learn from Cass Olholm

What we can learn from Cass Olholm, is that nutrition and exercise are key to a healthy and fit body. Many people focus on just their training or diet, forgetting that one can’t go without the other – at least not when it comes to getting above-average results.

Remember to stay consistent in all of the aspects of fitness, and you will see success.

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