Giuliana Ava showcasing her lean and fit body for a photo shoot

Giuliana Ava

Fitness Model, Training Coach

Giuliana Ava is a fitness influencer and online coach from Long Island, New York. She’s known for being transparent in her social media posts – sharing her day-to-day life with everyone online.

Alongside pictures and videos of her workouts, Giuliana also shares a lot of her personal life. This includes her small daily battles and quests to achieve her goals.

Thanks to her openness, Giuliana has won the hearts of an army of people online. She continues to inspire an ever-growing number of fans to not only build great physiques, but also lifestyles that will make them happy and fulfilled.

Giuliana Ava standing in a gym locker room displaying her curvy glutes in red leggings

“Here to inspire, not to impress.”

Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Giuliana Ava
AgeDate of BirthNationalityProfession
29May 7, 1995AmericanFitness Model, Training Coach
Date of BirthMay 7, 1995
ProfessionFitness Model, Training Coach

Giuliana Ava sitting on a yoga mat showcasing her bulging abs

“We all start somewhere, we all have different goals, and I always say “fitness” is all about trial and error.”


Guiliana has a growing fan base on social media that shows no signs of slowing down.

By October 2018, she’d garnered over 140 thousand followers on her internet profiles – a number that keeps growing year after year.

Giuliana is also an online training coach. With her awesome example, she guides her followers towards achieving their dream bodies.

Giuliana Ava taking a selfie of her toned glutes near a treadmill machine

Giuliana Ava posing in a river in a white bikini looking ripped and fit

“You’re constantly learning your body, as you get older things change so you have to tweak a few things. Whatever it is, don’t ever give up on yourself or your goals! You have the power to become whoever you want to be inside & out.”


Giuliana can be seen in her online videos performing various workouts. She enjoys doing both cardio and weight training.

Her favorite type of cardio is HIIT, while her favorite workouts are those that include heavy weights and high training volume.

In regards to favorite body parts, Guiliana likes training her abs and legs the most.

Giuliana Ava sitting by a window posing for a picture

“Let your hands be so busy catching blessings, you don’t have time to hold grudges.”


Giuliana is well known for being able to stay in shape all year round. One of her secrets to achieving this lies in her unique diet, which she follows rigorously every day.

One of her biggest rules in dieting is to minimize processed sugar consumption. Apart from that, Giuliana makes sure to drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day, along with eating lots of healthy fruits and vegetables.

Here’s Giuliana talking about her fitness & dieting regimen; “My mind is healthy, my soul is healthy, my spirit is happy… Knowing my body. Learned my body. What works for me is cardio, HIIT training, clean eating, and weight lifting on a balanced gym regimen. Confident as ever!” – Giuliana Ava

Giuliana Ava posing in a photo shoot looking fit and toned

Giuliana Ava performing an exercise on a building rooftop

“We all need to unplug and take a break sometimes. Restart at any moment in life! Life’s a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy it while you’re here. But crush your goals at the same damn time!”

What we can learn from Giuliana Ava

Through her example, Giuliana Ava shows that it’s possible to fulfill your dreams if you put in enough effort.

Not everyone will be able to maintain a strict, clean diet and consistent training program like Ava. But that’s what ultimately separates the mediocre from those that realize their dreams.

At the end of the day, only you can decide which of these two categories you’ll fall into. As Giuliana Ava says; “Success is not for the weak and uncommitted… sometimes it’s gonna hurt! Head down, blinders on, keep going!”

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Hi Giuliana! Great to see you at the game yesterday! Thanks for sharing your wine with my buddies and I. You are a very kind sole!

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