Jordan Edwards posing in a bikini, tanned up and ready for the stage

Jordan Edwards

Fitness Model, Personal Trainer, Online Coach

Jordan Edwards is a fitness coach and online persona from Florida, USA. A sporty child in her youth, Jordan began her lifting journey after suffering a career-wrecking ACL injury.

She had to stop playing sports such as volleyball, and instead focus on getting her joints stronger through correct training in the gym. As her body began to heal, Jordan also realized she became fitter in the process.

Spurred on by her results in the gym, Jordan decided to start a career as a fitness model and personal trainer. She hasn’t looked back since – building a presence that only seems to be growing stronger and stronger.

This is her story:

Jordan Edwards posing for the photo looking lean and fit

“A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.”

Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Jordan Edwards
AgeDate of BirthNationalityProfession
32August 19, 1992AmericanFitness Model, Personal Trainer, Online Coach
Date of BirthAugust 19, 1992
ProfessionFitness Model, Personal Trainer, Online Coach

Jordan Edwards standing in nature looking curvy and lean

“Learn to love fitness for what it is! Stop focusing on your physical change and start focusing on a fitness goal like running a mile without stopping… or burning 300 calories on the stair master in 20 minutes. This is what will help fuel and motivate us.”


  • Fitness Model
  • Personal Trainer
  • Bikini Athlete
  • Online Coach

Bikini Shows

  •  NPC Orlando Europa Games, Bikini Class D, 1st place

Jordan Edwards flexing for the camera looking toned and lean

“Fitness isn’t about the short physical change… and if that’s what you’re looking for, I’m sorry but you’ll never be happy. Learn to make this your lifestyle first, and the physical change will soon follow.”


Healing an ACL Injury

Jordan Edward’s story in fitness starts in a strikingly similar way to many other athletes. She grew up as a sporty girl, playing track, volleyball, and cheerleading. But, everything came to a grinding halt after she tore her ACL.

From this point on, she started focusing on making her body healthy by going to the gym. After months of lifting weights, her joints and tendons became stronger, and her injury was fully healed.

Positive Changes in Fitness

Not only did Jordan heal her ACL injury, but she also became enthralled with fitness in the process. The positive changes she saw on her body were unlike anything she ever saw before.

“Overcoming my ACL was the biggest challenge I’ve ever had and it changed me completely. It really made me appreciate the little things in life.”

Jordan Edwards posing for the photo looking lean and fit

A Growing Presence

Month by month, Jordan’s physique became fitter and fitter. As the results kept coming, her passion for fitness also grew.

In fact, Jordan’s results in the gym spurred her on to become a personal trainer. She achieved her goal in 2014, a couple of months after graduating with a Health Science Degree.

Ever since then, Jordan has been on the rise in success. She not only grew her name as a reputable personal trainer, but also built a commanding online presence with a fan base that keeps growing. On top of this, Jordan has also become a bikini competitor – winning her debut show at the 2017 Orlando Games.

Motivated to be the best she can, Jordan continues to set an example for everyone through her message; “I love helping and motivating others because it gives me the best feeling in the world to know that I was the reason someone decided to get in shape, become healthier, and work towards living a longer life with their own health.” – Jordan Edwards

Jordan Edwards' transformation before-after

Jordan Edwards before and after.

“I am always moving on leg day… well any day really. Keep your heart rate up and don’t give your muscles too long of a break throughout your sets.”


Abs Workout by Jordan Edwards

When it comes to getting ripped abs, Jordan says it all comes down to consistency. While some people train abs only once per week, Jordan likes to do it at least three times per week. Sometimes she’ll even train her abs every other day.

However, this doesn’t mean she’ll do the same workout every day. Jordan mixes things up in each training session, always keeping her body ‘guessing.’ With that said, here’s how her typical ab session looks;

  • Toe Touches, 1 set, 30 reps (rest 30 sec.)
  • Decline Crunch, 1 set, 30 reps (rest for 30 seconds. Reach as far up as possible. If the movement is too hard, break it down into blocks of 10 reps.)
  • Hanging Leg Raises, 1 set, 30 reps (rest for 30 seconds)
  • Dead Bugs, 1 set, 30 reps (rest for 30 seconds)
  • Russian Twist, 1 set, 30 reps (rest 30 sec.)

Jordan doesn’t use any weights in her ab exercises. She prefers doing it all with her own body weight to carve out shredded abs. She believes that resistance training leads to “thicker and more muscular” midsection, which isn’t something she’s looking for.

Jordan Edwards taking a selfie of her toned and aesthetic body in the mirror

Burning Fat With Minimal Equipment

As a fan of bodyweight workouts, Jordan Edwards often trains with minimal to no equipment. An unorthodox approach, but one that’s brought Jordan great results in her physique.

One of Jordan’s favorite workouts is a “barbell workout.” As the name suggests, she only uses one barbell here, saying, “it doesn’t have to be heavy, either.”

The barbell is Jordan’s favorite tool for training her entire body. She says, there are over 100 different exercises that can be done with it. Here are some of her tips for achieving a great workout with only one piece of equipment such as a barbell;

  • Circuit Training – This is Jordan’s favorite method of keeping the intensity up in her workouts. With circuit training, she performs multiple exercises in a row without taking rest. Jordan will take a break only after completing an entire round of exercises.
  • Engage Her Core – Jordan likes keeping her core flexed the entire time when she does an exercise. This not only helps her burn more calories, it also allows her to train multiple muscle groups at the same time.
  • Time Under Tension – If the weights are light, Jordan will increase her time under tension in exercises. She achieves this by performing a higher number of reps – making her muscles ‘burn.’
  • Supersets and Drop Sets – Like circuit workouts, supersets and drop sets have Jordan train with little to no rest when exercising.

Jordan’s Glute Training

When training her glutes, Jordan applies most of the principles from the above. This includes training with short rest between sets, keeping her time under tension long, and engaging her core.

Here’s how her glute workout looks;

  • Forward and Backward Lunges – 4 sets of 8-10 reps each side
  • Kickbacks 4 sets of 15 reps, superset with Sidekicks, 4 sets of 15 reps
  • Box Squats 4 sets of 15 reps, superset with Back lunges, 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Leg Press 4 sets of 15 reps, superset with ‘in and out’ Squat Jumps, 4 sets of 15 reps and 5 more Pulse Squats
  • Romanian Deadlifts 4 sets of 15 reps, superset with Side to Side Lunges, 4 sets of 10 reps each leg

Jordan Edwards sitting on the pool edge looking ripped

“What is a Superset you ask? It means doing two exercises back to back in one set. Instead of doing one exercises and resting… I like to do two exercises back to back with little rest. After finishing both exercises back to back, I take a small break and go again! I like to keep my weight medium/lighter and high reps. Very high intensity!”


Even though she boasts a ripped figure, Jordan says she doesn’t restrict herself with her diet. She eats both clean foods and ‘cheat meals’ – keeping a balanced diet.

In Jordan’s own words; “No, I’m not on a strict diet, no I do not cut out alcohol, and no I don’t starve myself. Everything in moderation people.”

It’s only in those times when Jordan needs to get ready for a photo shoot, that she’ll cut out sugars and fast foods to get in shape as fast as possible.

Jordan Edwards sitting in nature looking fit

Jordan Edwards posing in a professional photo shoot looking aesthetic and ripped

What we can learn from Jordan Edwards

What we can learn from Jordan Edwards, is that some challenges in life can actually set you up for a bright future, if you allow them.

Jordan tore her ACL during her school days but didn’t allow this injury to get the better of her. Instead, took the misfortune in her stride by excelling in fitness – building a great physique and becoming a respected personal trainer.

With the same attitude, you too can overcome your own challenges and become a stronger version of yourself in the process.

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