© Copyright Greatest Physiques 2025
Lauren started her fitness journey after becoming unhappy with her party lifestyle during College. By the age of 24, she’d transformed her physique and become a fitness athlete.
Since then, Lauren’s become a social media sensation, being admired for her amazing figure and inspiring fans around the world to get fit.
This is her story:
“I am so happy to have gotten into bodybuilding and the fitness industry and I love this lifestyle so much!”
Weight | 115 - 125lbs (52.2 - 56.7kg) |
Height | 5'2" (157.5cm) |
Year of Birth | 1991 |
Nationality | American |
Profession | Figure Competitor |
” I see myself continuing to make improvements to my own physique and I plan to continue to help and inspire others!”
“Before I fully committed to the fitness lifestyle, I lived a pretty ‘typical’ life as an active female. I was always athletic and I would go to the gym or for runs, just to go, but I never really pushed myself”
Born in the land of opportunity, America, Lauren had always been active growing up – she always enjoyed running on the treadmill at the gym.
However, she had never concerned herself about her general well-being. At this point, Lauren was living off junk food and regularly drinking alcohol during College.
By the age of 22 , Lauren had become unhappy with her figure and set herself the goal of getting into shape.
Lauren during her graduation ceremony.
After graduating from College, Lauren started following fitness models, such as Nicole Wilkins and Swann De La Rosa on social media. She was inspired by their physique and wanted to sculpt a figure similar to theirs.
It was at this point that Lauren began lifting weights in the gym, embarking on her fitness journey.
Lauren’s transformation on her fitness journey.
Through hard work and determination, Lauren had soon built an aesthetic physique. At the age of 24, in 2015, she entered her first competition – the NPC Golds Classic Championship in the Figure Novice category.
Although she didn’t win, Lauren had her first taste of being on stage, and she was hungry for more. She set her sights on taking her first trophy home.
Lauren posing on stage at the 2015 NPC Golds Classic Championship.
For the next year, Lauren stepped her game up in the gym, focused on winning a fitness show. She educated herself about nutrition and training, and she soon made serious progress.
By 2016, Lauren had succeeded in sculpting her dream physique – she was ready to compete again.
That year, at the age of 25, she returned to the stage at the NPC South Jersey Championships. This time, all of her hard work paid off.
Impressively, Lauren walked away from the contest as the champion. She’d realized her dream of winning her first fitness show.
Lauren competing at the 2016 NPC South Jersey Championships where she placed 1st.
Lauren had become recognized within the industry after taking home her first trophy. She’d began making a name for herself, and it wasn’t long until she was noticed internationally.
Towards the end of 2016, Lauren had attained a mass of followers on social media. Fans around the world admired her incredible figure and she became the talk of many online bodybuilding forums.
Through her hard work, Lauren had become a social media star.
“In order to be successful, you simply have to put in the work, day in and day out”
Lauren trains in the gym for 6 days per week, but she goes on runs and works abs once a week to allow her body to recover and develop.
When she enters the gym, she works multiple muscle groups per session, believing that her body responds to this the best. Lauren performs 8-15 reps in sets of 3-4, pushing her limits every day.
Monday – Chest/Triceps
Tuesday – Shoulders/Abs/Cardio
Wednesday – Glute/Hamstrings
Thursday – Back/Biceps/Cardio
Friday – Shoulders/Abs
Saturday – Active Rest
Sunday – Legs (Quad Focused)
“As far as nutrition is concerned, I think it’s really important to listen to your own body. I feel it’s necessary to try different foods and find out what works best for each individual”
Lauren aims to eat 6 meals per day, in order to keep her metabolism high and feed her body.
She plans her meals around lean proteins, green vegetables, and complex carbs.
“After learning and being inspired by strong, beautiful women like Nicole Wilkins and Swann De La Rosa, I aspired to be like them”
Lauren was first inspired by fitness athletes, Nicole Wilkins and Swann De La Rosa to begin her fitness journey.
However, she names her family and friends as the people who pushed her on to winning the 2016 NPC South Jersey Championships.
“We are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top and that’s that”
Lauren has taught us to always take action to improve ourselves. She became unhappy with her appearance, so she began sculpting her dream physique.
One thing we can take away from Lauren’s story is that if you work hard enough, anything is possible. She won a fitness competition only three years after starting to lift weights in the gym.
Fitness Model
Fitness Model
Professional Powerlifter, Strength Coach, Gym Owner
Fitness Model, Social Media Personality
IFBB Figure Pro, Fitness Coach
Adult Model, Fitness Model, Figure Competitor
Fitness Model, Competitor
Bikini Athlete, Fitness Trainer, Model, Entrepreneur
View Comments
sad. she used to be pretty and is now stuffed with drugs
who disliked her ? Come on, she's so beautiful
You obviously know nothing about her.