Lyzabeth Lopez

Fitness Model, Entrepreneur

From cheerleading to creating a successful fitness company, Lyzabeth Lopez has become one of the most recognizable figures in the industry through her journey.

She started her professional career as a cheerleader and eventually found her way into fitness modeling. This is her story:



“I’ve been working out in the gym since I was 12 years old, so my body is really used to typical weights and I’m at a point where I enjoy maintaining my shape, which allows me to ‘play’ with my training and have fun with it”

Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Lyzabeth Lopez
125 - 135lbs (56.7 - 61.2kg)5'5" (165cm)38"40"
WaistYear of BirthNationality
25"1981Venezuelan, Israeli, Italian
Fitness Model, Entrepreneur1990, 2000
Weight125 - 135lbs (56.7 - 61.2kg)
Height5'5" (165cm)
Year of Birth1981
NationalityVenezuelan, Israeli, Italian
ProfessionFitness Model, Entrepreneur
Era1990, 2000



“I picked up weight training at the gym and reading MuscleMag and Muscle & Fitness (there were no female magazines out at the time). I’ve been lifting ever since. I became a certified aerobics instruction at 16 and certified personal trainer at 18.

Since then I’ve picked up an additional 20 or so certifications as well as a fews diplomas and degrees in fitness and nutrition. It is my life and I love it”



“I had always wanted to try fitness pageants, so in 1999 I signed up for my first show”


Early Years and Start of Journey

Born in Toronto, Canada, Lyzabeth Lopez has always had a passion for fitness. She was inspired at an early age by muscle magazines, idolizing Rachel McLish. She began lifting weights in 1993, with the desire to develop a toned figure.

At the age of 12, Lyzabeth had embarked on her fitness journey.

Start of Fitness Journey

During high school, Lyzabeth was the only girl who worked out in the gym. But she was given massive support from football players in her school, being encouraged and helped with her form.

By the age of 16, in 1997, Lyzabeth had sculpted an aesthetic physique. She began teaching aerobics and gymnastics, never stopping developing her figure in the gym.



“Getting in shape should be a ride that you get on to learn, take part in and enjoy the journey”

First Competition

By 1999, Lyzabeth had sculpted an impressive figure. She was proud of her progress and made her debut in the 1999 WNSO competition.

Her years of hard work paid off. Lyzabeth was crowned as the champion, making history by becoming the winner of the first Fitness Search category.

At the age of 18, she’d began to make a name for herself in the industry.


Almost a decade later, by 2008, at 27-years-old, Lyzabeth had various competitions under her belt. She’d become an experienced athlete and established figure in the industry.

That year, she created her own personal training company, aiming to help others to achieve their dream physiques. By 2016, she’d trained over 2000 women and become a fitness icon.



“The way that I train depends on my goal at that time. If I’m show training, I could spend up to 3hrs at the gym doing HITT, heavy weight, shaping training etc. When I’m not competing I really enjoy cross-training and not really pre-planning my training at all”


Lyzabeth has never followed a workout routine. She always trains what she feels needs working on when she enters the gym, mixing things up to keep her sessions interesting.

She’s a fan of using kettle bells, weight machines, cardio machines and Pilates during her workouts. Her favorite exercises are Deadlifts, Pilates single leg stretches with ankle weights, and performing cardio on the treadmill or stairmaster.

Workout Routine

Lyzabeth’s daily workouts would look something like this:

  • 10 min step mill warm-up
  • 5 min of walking lunges (light weight – focused contractions throughout).
  • 3 super sets of: single leg – leg press/ single leg squat/jump squat
  • 3 super sets of: glute kick back/deadlift/switch lunges
  • 2 super sets: abductor/adcutor machine
  • 3 sets ham string curl on ball (abs as active rest)
  • 2 sets good mornings (heavy)
  • 2 sets low back – hyperextension machine with a 70lb+ dumbbell
  • 20 min run
  • 10 min jump rope
  • Stretch



“Understanding the importance of following their eating plan is key. It is also very important to me that all of my athletes remain natural! I do not allow any of my girls to take anything outside of my holistic plan, that means no fat burners, steroids, etc”


Being a Holistic Nutritionist, Lyzabeth is a huge advocate of eating real, whole foods. She plans her diet around lean meats, vegetables, fruits, superfoods, psuedo grains, nuts, seeds and healthy fats.

Lyzabeth also drinks as much water and green tea as she can – 3 litres per day of water – in order to keep her body hydrated. However, she’ll allow herself a treat whenever she craves one -she believes that moderation is key, as long as she stays within her macros.

She eats the majority of her carbs in the morning and cuts out carbs completely in her last meal.

Diet Plan

Lyzabeth’s diet would look similar to this:

  • Meal 1 – Oats and Organic Peanut Butter
  • Meal 2 – Salmon, Avocado and Kamut Pasta
  • Meal 3 – Skinless Chicken Breast, Brown Rice and Broccoli
  • Meal 4 – Skinless Chicken Breast and Salad
  • Meal 5 – Skinless Chicken Breast and Broccoli

Supplements Stack:

  • Whey Protein
  • Multivitamins
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C
  • HCL
  • Acidophilus
  • Glutamine
  • Fish Oil
  • BCAA
  • Gogi Berries
  • Milk Thistle



“I was the first ever Fitness Model Champion crowned in existence back in 1999”

Idols and Influences

Lyzabeth isn’t afraid to admit she’s has had many idols that have inspired her throughout her journey. A few of the names that she mentions are: Mina Lessig, Rachel Mclish, Carla Dunlop, Cory Everson, Kiana Tom, Trish Stratus and Jane Fonda.

She is extremely grateful for their influences – she wouldn’t have began her journey if it wasn’t for them.



    “I’ve always loved spreading the word of fitness and helping others learn about how to be healthy”

What we can learn from Lyzabeth Lopez

Lyzabeth has taught us to follow our dreams. She aspired to emulate her hero’s like Rachel McLish after picking up some muscle magazines, and competed in shows herself a few years later.

One thing we can take away from Lyzabeth’s story is to never stop trying to improve yourself. She won her first competition, began making a name for herself and went on to create her own fitness company.

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I love her she’s born in 1981 probably makes her 36 years old and inspires me at the same age to get it going. She’s Goals

I am a 50 year old with a Brain Virus.
I have lost everything I worked s o h a rd for on my own, to loose it all.
I was a have been Rachel McLeish. She was the first pretty looking.
She was my idol, so I use to use her dvd everyday.
It has been about 30 years , I s till workout with Rachel and many more.

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