Prime Male vs Testogen Review

It’s showdown time. Today we’re going to compare two top-quality natural testosterone boosters, specifically designed to deal with low testosterone: Testogen v Prime Male, which is better? Let’s find out.

In order to make an accurate comparison, we’re going to look at several factors. First off, the ingredients. Far and away the most important aspect of any testosterone booster is the ingredients and the doses at which those ingredients are supplied. We’re looking for ingredients that are clinically proven to increase testosterone levels naturally, burn fat, build muscle, prevent weight gain, heighten libido, and boost energy levels. After considering the ingredients, we’ll look at customer reviews, product price, delivery options, safety, and quality control.

Summary: Natural Testosterone Boosters Compared

While both testosterone boosters contain some top-notch ingredients, and both are 100% natural testosterone supplements that restore healthy testosterone levels, our analysis shows that Prime Male is a cut above Testogen. Prime Male not only features more ingredients that counteract symptoms of low testosterone, but also better ingredients, and at a more effective dosage. Prime Male offers a wider range of benefits to men of all ages suffering from low testosterone levels, but particularly to older men. Testogen simply doesn’t come close in this regard. That said, both testosterone boosters have excellent reviews and are produced in quality assured environments and will, no doubt, have an impact on low testosterone. Therefore, both of these testosterone boosters are worth considering.

Testogen, a Natural Testosterone Booster

To begin, let’s take a deep dive into Testogen. Testogen is produced and manufactured by the British company Health Nutrition Limited. Along with Testogen, the company produces Blackwolf, a pre-workout dietary supplement that is free from caffeine and suitable for vegans.

Testogen is one of the better test boosters currently available. The product is packed with testosterone boosting ingredients that have been reasonably well mixed to produce a high-performing formula. Let’s take a look at the ingredients in detail and find out how Testogen boosts those all-important t-levels.

Testogen’s Natural Ingredients in Focus

The Testogen formula includes a mix of 11 test boosting natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven to boost testosterone levels, support the functioning of the male reproductive system, prevent weight gain, and increase muscle mass. We’re going to explore the most important of the 11 ingredients and examine the benefits of two ingredients you might not have come across before: nettle leaf extract and Bioperine.

D-Aspartic Acid, the main ingredient in Testogen, is an amino acid that is used for the production of luteinizing hormone, which in turn is essential for the production and release of testosterone. Studies have shown significant increases in luteinizing hormone production and in testosterone levels after just a few days of taking D-Aspartic acid. One study showed an increase of 15% after just six days and a staggering 42% after 12 days [1]. For this reason, it is one of the most common ingredients found in testosterone boosters.

Another powerful ingredient included in the Testogen formula is fenugreek. Fenugreek contains a compound called furostanolic saponins, which is known to prevent enzymes from changing testosterone into estrogen. Studies have proven its powerful effect on testosterone production, with one study recording a 98.7% increase, while another showed a 46% increase among 90% of the participants [2, 3].

Along with D-Aspartic acid and fenugreek, Testogen includes a solid dose of vitamin D3. Many of the important health benefits of vit D are well documented and well known, but did you know that it is also important for testosterone production? Scientific studies have shown the power of vit D supplements to increase testosterone production by significant amounts. A study on older men, conducted in 2018, showed vit D supplementation increased free testosterone levels by almost 19% [4]. Vit D is an essential component for any effective t booster that promises to prevent weight gain, increase muscle mass, and increase hormone production.

While DAA, fenugreek, and vitamin D3 are undoubtedly powerful testosterone boosting ingredients, it is also true that they are commonly found in test boosters. Ingredients less often found in test boosters that are present in Testogen, and make its formula somewhat unique, are Bioperine – derived from black pepper – and nettle leaf extract.

Nettle leaf extract is thought to prevent a certain protein – sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) – from binding to testosterone and thereby making the testosterone unusable [5]. It can also support the male reproductive system by improving prostate health. What’s more, nettle, like fenugreek, may prevent or slow the conversion of testosterone into estrogen [6].

Bioperine is an all-around booster in that it makes the other ingredients in the Testogen formula more accessible to the body. Various studies have shown that Bioperine can cause a marked increase in nutrient absorption. One such study showed a 2000% increase in the absorption of Curcuma, itself a powerful anti-inflammatory supplement [7]. Testogen believes Bioperine boosts the total effectiveness of their formula by a modest 30%.

Testogen Full Natural Ingredients List

Here you can see the full list of natural ingredients included in Testogen and the amounts included in each serving.

DAA -2352mg

Fenugreek Extract- 40mg

Vit D3 – 50mcg

Zinc – 10mg

Korean Red Ginseng Extract- 40mg

Boron – 8mg

Nettle Leaf – 40mg

Magnesium – 200mg

Vitamin B6 – 20mg

Vitamin K1 – 20mcg

Bioperine 95% Piperine – 5mg

Testogen Instant Testosterone Booster Drops

The Instant Testosterone Booster Drops are perhaps Testogen’s most unique selling point. Unlike other test boosters, Testogen is available in capsule form and in drop form. The drops offer an on-the-go energy boost, help to sharpen your focus and concentration and increase the effectiveness of the slow-release Testogen capsules.

The drops, being liquid, are easily and rapidly absorbed by the body, going straight to the bloodstream. Testogen recommends using the Instant Testosterone Booster Drops before a workout, when you have to wake up early, or if you have to pull a late shift, in other words, whenever you need a fast boost of energy.

The Instant Testosterone Booster Drops contain a slightly different mix of ingredients than the Testogen capsules. Both include Korean red ginseng root, zinc, and vit D, but the drops also have horny goat weed (epimedium sagittatum), Brazilian ginseng (pfuffia paniculata), moringa, and L-Arginine.

Horny goat weed is known to boost libido, while Brazilian ginseng, nicknamed “the everything” plant, has rejuvenating and energy-boosting properties that can prevent erectile dysfunction, improve sexual performance, and increase sex drive. Likewise, moringa is thought to be an all-around health booster as it contains a host of powerful ingredients, including zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B, and iron. Finally, L-Arginine has been shown to improve free testosterone levels when used in combination with resistance training, which is why the drops are recommended for pre-workout use [8].

Testogen 100-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Testogen is so certain it can solve your low testosterone problems it is offering a 100-day money-back guarantee. This is a good sign as it demonstrates the company’s belief in its product, but watch out, the guarantee is only valid on purchases of more than a months supply of Testogen as the company claims some people will need to take Testogen for up to 50 days to eliminate their low testosterone problems.

Testogen Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are generally positive. Most customers report increased energy levels, while some also mention fat loss, muscle gain improvements, and an increase in libido, all indicators that their testosterone levels have increased and that they are no longer suffering from low testosterone.

Some customers mention a delay in results. It appears Testogen takes time to become effective, as the company states, perhaps as long as 50 days of continuous use. Other customers complained about the high cost of purchasing smaller quantities.

Still more customers complained about the precise way you have to consume Testogen. For Testogen to be effective, you are required to take two capsules every day, 20 mins before breakfast, then, at the two-month mark, take a 10-day break from use before resuming again. Not everyone finds it possible to plan so exactly.

Quality Control and Side Effects

Testogen is manufactured in the UK and in the USA. Both locations are FDA approved, which means they conform to strict standards of hygiene and process quality controls.

Testogen is 100% natural, which means there are no side effects to using this product. It is best to consume Testogen at the manufacturer’s recommended doses.

Testogen: Is It Worth It?

Testogen is certainly a one of the better testosterone boosting supplements. Taking Testogen will increase your actual testosterone levels, help you to lose body fat, and increase muscle mass in just a few weeks. Its impact on the body’s testosterone production will lead to the body boosting testosterone levels naturally and safely.

That said, even higher testosterone production can be achieved with a better natural testosterone booster, such as Prime Male, which will increase the body’s testosterone production even more significantly using more powerful ingredients supplied at better doses.


Powerful testosterone boosting ingredients

Comes in capsules and drops

Made in FDA approved facilities


Best prices come at higher quantity orders

Slow to start working

Capsules require precise dosing

Prime Male, a Solution to Low Testosterone Levels

Prime Male is exclusively focused on the testosterone needs of men, with a particular focus on men aged 30 and over, though men of any age can benefit from its powerful, expertly designed formula.

From the age of 30, the testosterone levels of the average male decrease by approximately 1% per year. If you want to avoid the pitfalls associated with lower testosterone levels, then supplementing your body’s natural testosterone production with a natural test booster focused on your precise needs is a must.

Prime Male promises (and we believe delivers) the results you are looking for: increased energy, muscle mass, endurance, and stamina; muscle growth; weight loss; improved mood and cognitive functioning; improvements in cardiovascular functioning and blood pressure regulation; and increased libido and sexual performance.

There are two varieties of the Prime Male T-booster, the Vitality Complex and Enhance. Let’s start by examining the ingredients and doses of the Prime Male Vitality Complex, and compare the benefits with those offered by Testogen.

Prime Male’s Vitality Complex Natural Ingredients in Focus

As noted above, Testogen includes some powerful, scientifically-backed, natural testosterone boosting ingredients. Well, Prime Male includes almost all of those same ingredients plus a few important extras.

The first key difference between the Testogen and Prime Male formulas is the use of vitamin K2 and K1. Testogen includes vitamin K1, but when it comes to boosting testosterone, vitamin K2 has been proven to be much more effective. In a study looking at the role of vitamin K on steroidogenesis – the process by which hormones are produced – a clear link between K2 supplementation and increased testosterone was identified. However, no link was established between K1 and testosterone production [9]. Therefore, the Prime Male formula includes the correct variety of vitamin K if you want to increase testosterone, while Testogen does not.

The Prime Male formula also has an advantage over Testogen in that it includes Ashwagandha Extract. This potent extract has been shown to dramatically increase lean muscle mass and strength gains in clinical studies [10]. What’s more, ashwagandha extract is known to boost testosterone production and increase sperm count.

The third advantage of the Prime Male formula v Testogen, is that it contains double the amount of vitamin D, and studies have shown that vitamin D is most effective, particularly for testosterone production, at higher dosages [11].

Additionally, Prime Male contains Luteolin, which helps to reduce estrogen levels in older men [12]. If you are over 50, the inclusion of luteolin in Prime Male is a big plus.

Finally, while Testogen does include nettle leaf, which is known to have some beneficial properties, Prime Male contains Nettle root. For all men, but particularly older men, nettle root is important as it supports prostate health.

Prime Male Vitality Complex Full Ingredients List

Here you can see the full list of ingredients included in each serving of Prime Male, along with the doses.

DAA Calcium Celate – 1600mg

Ashwagandha Extract – 300mg

Vit D3 – 4000 IU (100mcg)

Zinc – 30mcg

Korean Red Ginseng Extract – 120mg

Boron (chelete) – 5mg

Nettle Root Extract – 160mg

Magnesium – 100mg

Vitamin B6 – 7.5mg

Vitamin K2 – 45mcg

Black Pepper – 10mg

Luteolin – 60mg

Prime Male Enhance Testosterone Supplements

Prime Male might not have innovative t-booster drops, but there is a second Prime Male formula focused on increasing sex drive and sexual performance, Prime Male Enhance.

Prime Male Enhance compliments the effects of Prime Male Vitality, adding a host of energy-boosting, sex drive stimulating ingredients that will make you feel 20 years younger. Among them, Asian ginseng, maca, selenium, and muria puama, which is known as the “erection root” and is, unsurprisingly, used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Take both Prime Male Enhance and Prime Male Vitality to gain the best results. The two formulas have been scientifically developed to work in harmony with one another. Together they will boost your free testosterone levels, your energy levels, and your sex drive.

Prime Male Customer Reviews

The reviews of Prime Male are overwhelmingly positive. In fact, we couldn’t find a negative one. Customers speak of feeling younger, fresher, more energetic, and many mention increased muscles gains, fat loss, a more stable mental state, and a stronger sex drive. In other words, customers report that Prime Male does exactly what it says on the tin!

Quality Control and Side Effects

Prime Male is a top-quality t-booster, it is manufactured in cGMP and FDA approved facilities and, since it is 100% natural and has well-balanced doses, there is no risk of side effects.


Excellent formula provided in powerful doses

Only positive customer reviews

Made in FDA approved facilities

Does exactly what it says on the tin


Only recommended for men

Offers the most benefits for men over 30

Conclusion – The Best Solution to Low Testosterone Levels

If you’re looking for a straightforward testosterone booster to give you an extra push in the gym or deliver some fast energy, Testogen and the Testogen Instant T Booster Drops might be enough for you.

However, if you’re looking to boost testosterone levels and gain all-around improvements in lean muscle mass, sexual performance, and reverse the natural ageing process, in just a few weeks, then Prime Male should be your first choice. Compared to Testogen, its superior formula and wide-ranging benefits put Prime Male in a whole different category of quality and effectiveness.


1.      Topo E., et. al. (2009) The role and molecular mechanism of DAA in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats. https://rbej.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1477-7827-7-120

2.      Wankhede, S., et. al. (2015) Beneficial effects of fenugreek glycoside supplementation in male subjects during resistance training: A randomized controlled pilot study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6191980/

3.      Maheshwari, A., et. al. (2017) Efficacy of FurosapTM, a novel Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract, in Enhancing Testosterone Level and Improving Sperm Profile in Male Volunteers: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5278660/

4.      Tirabassi, G., et. al. (2018) Vit D and Male Sexual Function: A Transversal and Longitudinal Study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5817208/

5.      Schöttner, M., et. al. (1997) Lignans from the roots of Urtica dioica and their metabolites bind to human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9434605/

6.      Chrubasik, J., et. al. (2007) A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles. Part II: urticae radix. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17509841/

7.      Hewlings, S., & Kalman, D. (2017) Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5664031/

8.      Stefani, G., et. al. (2018) Resistance training and L-arginine supplementation are determinant in genomic stability, cardiac contractility and muscle mass development in rats: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0204858

9.      Ito, A., et. al. (2011) Menaquinone-4 enhances testosterone production in rats and testis-derived tumor cells: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3180407/

10.   Wankhede, S., et. al. (2015) Examining the effect of Withania somnifera supplementation on muscle strength and recovery: a randomized controlled trial. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26609282/

11.   Pliz, S., et. al. (2011) Effect of vit D supplementation on testosterone levels in men: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21154195/

12.   Lu, D., et. al. (2012) Inhibitory effect of luteolin on estrogen biosynthesis in human ovarian granulosa cells by suppression of aromatase (CYP19). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22838964/


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