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Aarron Lambo is a UK bodybuilder who is ‘Engraved’ with a passion for bodybuilding. Aarron Lambo has been rising to the top of the UK fitness scene ever since he began lifting weights at the age of 15.
From that point on, Aarron has gone from one success to the next – winning several amateur bodybuilding shows, opening his own gym and fitness promotion business, and also becoming a bodybuilding icon in the United Kingdom.
This is his story:
Weight 205 - 215lbs (88.5 - 93.0kg) Height 5'5" (165cm) Nationality British Profession Bodybuilder, Entrepreneur Era 2010
Born and raised in the East Midlands of England, Aarron Lambo was enthralled with bodybuilding from an early age. He started lifting weights at 15 years old; finding inspiration in bodybuilders he saw in fitness magazines. Aarron said;
“My brother in law gave me a load of 1990’s fitness magazines, but I kept them for years going through them over and over, looking at pictures of what I thought was the freakiest physiques in the world.”
From the first moment he stepped into the gym, Aaron “knew” he wanted to compete on a bodybuilding stage one day. One year later, at the age of 16, he began participating in local bodybuilding shows in Northamptonshire, winning a number of teenage-category competitions.
His aspirations soon became even bigger – at 17, he wanted to open his own gym. Unfortunately, he couldn’t accomplish his dream at that point, due to financial restrictions. However, this didn’t stop him from working hard on his goal, hoping they would turn it into a reality one day.
“I remember telling my Nan I’m gonna save for a gym but never got past £30.”
In 2008, Aarron ‘picked up the pace’ in his business endeavors – he made some connections around the UK, which helped him open his own gym.
After five years of hard work, in 2013, he officially opened his first training center. Although it was a long and difficult process, Aarron said it was worth it, and added; “From that day, the business rocketed.”
By 2016, Aarron branched out into other areas of fitness; starting a fitness promotion business and opening his social media accounts. Aarron’s initial goal was to bring top athletes from the fitness scene to the fans, organizing photo shoots, training sessions, along with meet and greets with bodybuilders and fitness icons from everywhere.
Since then, Aarron has toured the UK and Europe promoting his business; organizing various fitness events which featured the likes of Lee Priest, Terry Hollands, Mr. Olympia Phil Heath, and Pro bodybuilder Roelly Winklaar.
Aarron preaches the ‘old-school’ style of training with heavy compound movements, and using isolation exercises as ‘finishers’. Some of these movements include barbell bench press, squats, barbell biceps curls, close-grip bench press, deadlifts, and rack pulls.
In regard to his repetition range, Aarron changes it every month or so. In one month, he may train with a high number reps (12+), and the other month, he may go for 4-6 reps on each set.
In order to fuel his massive physique, Aarron consumes a meal every two to three hours. In the morning and evening, he eats a lot of healthy fats and proteins such as coconut oil, avocados, nuts, meats, chicken, and eggs. During the day, he increases his carbohydrate intake; especially after training, that’s when Aarron consumes a lot of fast-acting carbs.
Fighting through the ordinary to achieve greatness, Aarron Lambo has taught us the value of hard work and consistency. It took him many years before he opened his first gym – it was a mentally challenging process, to say at least.
However, thanks to his perseverance, he became a bodybuilding icon, and a successful entrepreneur.
If we could take something from Aarron’s example, it would be to never give up on your goals just because it takes a lot of time to accomplish them. Aarron spent over 10 years dreaming about opening his first gym, and eventually, he made that dream come true. Keep dreaming big, and keep working hard – with the right mindset, anything is possible.
“The day you start looking after number 1 is the day you start doing well and achieving goals. It’s a fact, it’s a selfish world we live in. We need to adapt to survive, stronger than the rest.
Of course, some of us have dependents, however, they rely on us being strong physically and mentally.” – Aarron Lambo
View Comments
5ft 10 my arse!
Thanks for spotting that Karl, it's been removed until we have his exact measurements.
All the best, Greatest Physiques!
He is 5ft 5... He has put it on his FB page
I can't believe how self obsessed this little man is, it's hilarious watching his vlogs and various posts, he really does seem completely deluded and believes all the nonsense he spouts. He really seems to think is a champion and a 'Badman' in his own mind, I think he's overdone the drugs! Who does he think he's impressing? He's a comedian.
You are of course entitled to your own opinion as we have freedom of speech! But why insult him? What has his height got to do with anything through his career? What ever it is has worked, even on you! He is on social media and promotes his stuff! He got your attention as you clearly stated you watched his vids! So more fool you for commenting and making yourself look foolish! Words are powerful! I've never met him, but how ever he has successfully achieved the things in life he wanted! Have you achieved everything you wanted? Also you mention drugs? He possibly has, like stalone, arne, van damme! In fact most larger than life people! Now if you had a head ache, what do you do? Bet you take a pain killer?! Do you have a cuppa? Caffeine is also a drug! Ale, you go out for a few pints with friends? (If you have any, as you insult people you have not met so I'd hate to see how you treat the people you know) And also, again on his hight! How do you know he has not been a victim of bullying? He might have hit the weights to stop the name calling? To make himself feel better! To stop people like you judging him! People like you who can sit and type insults, would you say things to him directly? Hope you change your was bud, as to me you make yourself out as a bully! Peace
He's been caught out being a bitch by Nick Collins, all his videos are to look good for the cameras, has admitted to steroid use, he's a woman beater and he's a coke head to boot. I don't care how successful you are, if you need to make yourself feel big by hitting a woman then your not a man. Cutting about thinking he's a gangster when he's nothing but a bitch, big nick Collins will whoop his ass when he gets him???? Fuck Alpha UTA ALL DAY??
Take a look yourself what the little 5'5" hobbit gets up to?? Don't anyone read the papers?
I've never met Arron Lambo, but I've watched a few of his video's that one friend on my face book shares but he's seems a genuine nice down to earth guy, so you "HUGH BURGOYNE" with your silly little review are all that's wrong with this world, silly little hater. Keep doing you Arron and you'll be even more successful m8
I have. Been following your bullshit from pc dickhead. Absolute harassment from that service. I'm over here in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. If our police act like that they get what is called a black mark on there record, so keep on with the law suit. I would love you to make some pc dickhead t_shirts that I can sell for you. Minus my cut of course lol. Even could be a distribution place for your other products to be sold around here in Canada. I wanted also to say the bullying that your daughter suffered you handled that like a great dad should. Although I told my kids to just smash them then 9/10 it stops and it did. Oh and the face tattoo is awesome. I'm getting one as well. So you stay true aaron to what you believe in greatness will follow. Alpaca training baby. My email is jamiefraleigh015@gmail.com
Straight outta Sarnia eh
Hey aarron, it's Jamie again from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. I just wanted to say your shirts, hats, sweatshirts and T`s etc. I would love to start the madness here in Canada. So if you wanna send a couple items my way so I can hv a look and wear it proud. Please respond to this if possible. Ttyl "ALPHA TRAINING BABY"
My address is
Jamie fraleigh
1064 brenchley street apt 104
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
N7S 1R5
Y`all take care over the blue waters of the mighty Atlantic ocean.
Is it ok to take them i recently had cancer all clear now but still going for check ups just asking
Hi Stephen,
Your doctor should provide you with the medical information you need. Greatest Physiques cannot offer any guidance related to medical conditions.
Thank you,
Greatest Physiques
Nice man speaks the truth and always. Nows is stuff if you dont like him piss off dont watch is videos and leave him alone you are only having a go at him because he nows more than you dick heads
Reading all positive and negative comments. Aarron didn't have an upbringing with lots of money or being a spoilt kid he had a normal happy childhood and went without just like I did. My parents worked all there lives to give me the best. So did his. That don't mean we're spoilt brats does it. It means we had decent parents who tried there best for there kids. He's a lovely guy and a fabulous dad. He has worked really hard to get to where he is today. And still working hard to achieve his dreams. This guy has helped a lot of people who didn't think they could ever reach there goals in life but with hard work like he says you can achieve every thing you want. Respect to you aarron your fab.
Strange but curious question.
What's your birth date ?