Brad Castleberry
Bodybuilder, Powerlifter, Entrepreneur
Bradly Castleberry is a Pro bodybuilder, powerlifter, and ex football player. Brad was always an athletic child growing up. His first encounter with weight training was at the age of 15 years old, and since then, he never stopped excelling at bodybuilding, sports, and weightlifting.
After many years of discipline in the gym, and on the football field, Bradly became famous for his incredible feats of strength. He’s also caused a lot of controversy in the fitness industry with his impressive weightlifting records – claiming he squatted over 750lbs.
“See what you want and go get it.”
Athlete Statistics
Weight 245 - 255lbs (111.1 - 115.7kg) Height 5'10" (177.5cm) Year of Birth 1985 Nationality American Profession Bodybuilder, Powerlifter, Entrepreneur Era 2000, 2010
“If you have discipline, drive and determination, nothing is impossible.”
Bradly has managed to grow his brand and his social media fan base over the years. He’s also started a supplement and clothing line business.
“I competed in my first bodybuilding show at 19 and fell in love with the rush I got when I was on stage.”
Lifting With Friends
Born in 1985, Bradly Castleberrry started his fitness journey early on in his life. When he was growing up, Brad would often play sports and go running for hours with friends and family.
From an early age, he showed signs of a great sportsman with athletic abilities. By the time he entered high school, Bradly got his first pair of weights, and started training.
At first, Castleberry exercised in a friends garage, where he spent a lot of time trying out different exercises and routines. According to Bradly, all they had was a small bench, curl bar, and a pair of dumbbells – so they had to improvise.
By the time he was 15, Brad got his first gym membership and started training more seriously, becoming addicted to the fitness lifestyle. He said, “At 15 my Mom got me my first gym membership and I have never looked back.”
First Competitions
Bradly continued working out for several years, dramatically improving his physique as time went by. Eventually, it came to a point where he contemplated about competing in a bodybuilding show.
He thought it over, and at the age of 19, Brad stepped on the stage for the first time. After the competition, Castleberry said that he “fell in love with the rush“ of competing.
Pro Card
It wasn’t long before Brad started to pile up great results in different local and regional shows, so he decided to take it a step further by focusing his attention on becoming a Pro Competitor.
The youngster started his preparations and trained hard for several months, eventually taking part in a natural show series, the Muscle Mania.
Bradly’s hard work, dieting, and conditioning his body paid off. He took home 1st place and won his Pro card.
Bodybuilding To Football
Over the course of several months after winning his Pro card, Brad continued to compete in different shows, but he eventually started to lose the desire to participate. According to Brad, after endless hours of preparations and competing, the stress started to build up and took its toll. Brad then decided to take a break from the stage to re-think his next steps.
However, Castleberry was extremely competitive by nature, so he had to find something else to do while he was taking a break from professional bodybuilding.
He decided to start football training, and not long after he started, he participated in two major league football games where he excelled with his power and performance. Bradly’s strength, vertical leap, and overall athleticism were impressive during his football career – due to the years he spent in the gym beforehand.
Brad later joined a local junior college football team where he played for 2 years. He said that during this time, he learned a lot of new skills and training methods. Castleberry continued, “Most importantly, it taught me how to be a functional athlete. After years of endless training as well as trial and error, I have figured out what works best for strengthening and shaping my body.“ – Bradly Castleberry
After 2 years spent on the football field, Bradly’s desire for strength training came back. He stopped playing football and started focusing solely on weightlifting, more specifically, powerlifting.
When Brad stepped back into the gym, he had a wide variety of new insights and skills he gained during his football career.
Castleberry quickly found that lifting heavy weights enriched him. Brad started to pile-up impressive record-breaking lifts.
Success And Controversy
With his focus shifted back on bodybuilding and powerlifting, Brad started posting pictures and videos of his strength records, and his awesome physique that he developed over the years, attracting fans from all over the world.
During that time, Brad caused a lot of controversy in the online community, as some of the critics believed he used fake weights while recording some of his claimed “record” lifts.
Castleberry denied the accusations, and said his only desire was to motivate others. Despite the accusations and controversy he provoked, Brad has become an inspiration for people everywhere with his awesome physique and positive attitude towards life.
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Never give up and always go hard.”
According to Brad, stretching is something most people forget about, but he says it’s very important for optimal muscle growth and body mobility.
He stretches every day, and points out the importance of stretching after a workout. Castleberry believes it improves blood flow to the muscle, and helps with recovery.
Training Philosophy
Bradly trains 6 times a week, with 1 day-off to fully recover. He says this is the most optimal way for him to stimulate muscle growth.
His favorite exercises are compound movements such as bench press, squats, and deadlifts. He believes these are the best mass builders, and are great for overall strength and size development.
“Without struggle, there is no progress.”
Brad’s diet if full of healthy fats, complex carbs, and lean proteins such as chicken, and during the time of his competitions, Bradly had to be precise and strict with his diet by not allowing himself to indulge in cheat meals.
However, since stepping off the bodybuilding stage, and deciding to focuse his attentions more on powerlifting, he now allows himself a cheat meal in order to replenish his body of vital nutrients lost during his heavy training sessions.
Editor’s Tip
Inspired to reach your true potential like Brad? Read our complete guide on how testosterone booster supplements can really enhance your game!
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It’s so silly to talk about lifting routines and diet but NOT about drug regimens. Why bother?
played in the NFL and then junior college? NCAA wouldnt allow it.
NFL? ????????
Love to be brads bitch
This guy is the biggest faker of all time. Played in the NFL? Get out of town. He doesn’t understand stretching. He lost the desire to compete in bodybuilding competitions because he was losing and getting nowhere. His form in almost every exercise he does is shocking. He’s not an inspiration, he’s a warning. Do not be like this buttplug kids. I feel like this story was written by a friend of his.
he also claims to have a 14″ kok… although some say he has been using a fake measuring tape
Jesus! 😮
What an absolute d***head lol
It really does sound like one of his mates wrote this for him…
Maybe he even had to pay for this bio? :/
Hi Jason, thanks for your comment, it’s greatly appreciated.
To answer your question. All of our profiles have been written to show the athletes in a positive and inspirational light – in the hope to motivate everyone around the world! As Greatest Physiques is a non-profit organization, all of our profiles are written for everyone in-mind, without sponsorship attachments.
We hope you liked the profile on Brad, and others on our site. Once again Jason, thanks for your comments!
If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our site, feel free to comment.
All the best,
Greatest Physiques
This guy is a joke. Sure, he’s big. That’s a sh*tload of steroids and more synthol than almost anyone else out there. He’s fundamentals are garbage and his personality is a joke. Then there’s the topic of integrity…the dude has none. Young lifters, find someone else to glean inspiration and garner advice from. Castleberry is an example of what NOT to do and who NOT to be.
He is a liar and a fake, never played in the NFL! get your facts straight! do not put fakes up on pedestals!!
Hi Keith, thanks for the heads up, that’s all been updated!
I think you guys are all jealous. I have no clue as to his (claimed) football career, but as an athlete in general, I’m beyond impressed, and it’s clear to see that he’s just amazing! It’s obvious that the weight-plates are real, and maybe you’re not able to do simple addition, but I can, and I can clearly tell that how much he says he lifts, is what he does push and pull, you can’t fake a free-standing jump, his running speed, jumping multiple high-hurdles in a row, how many continuous pull-ups, dips (at 250-260 lbs.), and pushups in quick succession that he does, is well, like I said- just amazing! I wish that at his age, I could’ve done a fraction of what he can. And from my point of view, it’s obvious that from many years of training, and of course his superior genetics play a part, and yeah, probably steroids too, but almost everybody does (in his condition), and most lie about it- I did. But c’mon, look at his powerful calfs, quads and incredible glutes as well for sheer, combined athletic power to be able to do what he CAN! That aint easy to achieve no matter how hard you work, or how many drugs and supplements you take. Not to mention his stretching routine, and look at the guys energy level… Ok, maybe he is a bit of a tool, and although I’ve never read that he claims to have a ’14 inch one’- but even without that, I’d be a little full of myself too with all of the afore mentioned attributes, not to mention those incredible all-American good looks to boot. He IS the full package- even if he doesn’t have an amazing ‘package’ (I bet it is pretty good though), and I can only imagine that he pleases the ladies to no end with that energy, he can probably fuck like a bunny (hell, he’s so hot, I’d blow him). In my view, even if he does embellish his accomplishments- he IS the full package. I don’t blame you guys for being jealous, but you don’t have to be dicks about it, when you bag on someone (to that extent), you just come off sounding pathetic. Now, that said, I do think his form and showboating in the gym is a turn-off and does leave a little bit to be desired, and on that note, I would have to agree with all of you guys, that I would recommend to the kids starting out, not to follow his lead- and I’m hoping that he’s just trying to be funny when he says- “be humble”. But regardless of that, I’d say that Colum Vanmoger (spelling probably wrong) would be a better role-model… I’d blow him too, and yeah, before you make your stooped, school boy, childish remarks, I am queer… get over it.
Well you are obviously a complete idiot Jeff. Castleberry is fake, fake weights, and has terrible form.
Fake weights are fake!
100lb back pack? 150 lbs
he is not a bodybuilder, he’s a big cheater…
This dude pops up in my local 24 Hour Fitness in Carlsbad, CA. I’ve seen him in there a couple times, but never knew he was until recently, so I never paid much attention. Just figured he was a douche constantly checking himself out in the mirror and posing and flexing. Maybe I’ll have to pay attention to what he’s lifting and the weight he’s using. I haven’t spoken a single word to him, so I have no idea what his personality is like, but he does seem to like attention quite a bit. He was actually at the Shoppes at Carlsbad 24 Hour Super Sport just tonight, doing some heavy bent over rows and a lot of flexing/posing in front of the mirror.
I wish it weren’t true but Castleberry’s fake lifts have been examined and exposed by some of the most impartial, measured, trustworthy sources online and in the bodybuilding community. I’m sorry to say it but his thirst for quick publicity has led him to make some outrageous and easily debunked claims that have damaged his reputation forever.
All you guys are haters. How many of you have a jacked physique like this guy. Get outta here!
I don’t know this guy from Adam? But why hate? Even with anabolic steroids do you know the commitment and effort it takes too have this guys body? Odds are none of the haters do. I work out 5 days a week eat ok and have a solid dad body lol. My point is that if the guy wants too lift fake weights, real weightS, whatever weights he has a body most could never achieve and even with roids. I’ve never used steroids but know few who have and they couldn’t achieve this long term. It’s commitment that’s what this guy is selling that may be a positive take away. I just don’t understand the hate. Call him a lair fine but atleast throw him a bone for the fact that he built a fucking crazy body wether with 69 pound d bells or fake 120’s.
I met Bradly back in 2005 at a MuscleMania contest in Los Angeles. Even then i was impressed by his size, and more so by his niceness as a person.
I have no idea what these haters are suggesting as his huge physique speaks louder than their jealous jibes. Those mean-spirited nobodys will never be a 10th the man Brad is.
Can’t beat discipline, dedication, perseverance, commitment etc Brad has it, he’s worked hard and encourages others to work hard/train hard and adds a little laughter into everything then again being happy means a lot to an individual and physical culture/sports truly is a wonderful path of challenges, enjoyment & healthy lifestyles.
We all walk our own tough roads but if you put in that hard work you can make it lead into something beautiful. Take care everyone and train hard!
Jamie Marshall
I’m not jealous of these guys that take steroids and are constantly looking at themselves a lot.
there’s more to life then only living this way. these are tortured souls and mainly lost. he only loves himself. take the roids out and now what… these men will do whatever to achieve stardom at no matter what situation. they are in love with themselves..
He is extremely insecure and it shows, people can tell. He should really calm himself down with some cannabis, it will mellow him out and make him more likeable.