Nay Jones
Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer
Nay Jones is a personal trainer, role model, and the proud winner of the 2016 Pro IFBB competition held in Miami Florida.
Nay’s journey started back in 2015 after a ‘bad-breakup‘. This, along with neglecting her own health and well-being, and raising her child single handed for years, motivated Nay to get back into the gym. This is when she focused all of her attention on getting healthy once and for all.
After only one year, Nay went from single mother working out 7 days a week, to winning a Pro bodybuilding title. Nay’s story is truly a unique one, using it to motivate others in similar situations.
Athlete Statistics
Weight | 175 - 185lbs (79.4 - 83.9kg) |
Height | 5'4" (162.5cm) |
Nationality | American |
Profession | Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer |
Alias | Nayfit |
Era | 2010 |
- IFBB Pro Winner – Miami Figure 2016
“As women, we get caught up in being moms, wives, sisters, employees, etc., and we forget about ourselves because we are pouring so much into others. It’s not selfish to take an hour out of your day for your health!”
Nay Jones started her fitness journey after she ended a ‘bad-breakup‘ in May 2015. She decided it was time to start caring for herself, so she stepped back into the gym – a place she could always rely on.
After jumping straight back into fitness, and working out 7 days a week, Nay said, “my body started to change really quickly”.
It wasn’t until one of Nay’s friends, who was already competing at the time in the MPC, said “Nay, you should really compete in bikini or figure”.
From that moment onward, her friend gave her the direction she needed to prepare for her first competition.
“I love the way I feel when I am in the zone at the gym.”
Needless to say, Nay went on to win her first show, and then her second. It was at this point she decided it was time for the Nationals.
When Nay stepped on stage in the ‘big-leagues’ and placed in the top two. Nay said it wasn’t the position she was hoping for, but in hindsight, she used it as motivation to improve on her weaker areas for future competitions – more specifically, for the Pro circuit.
“Without their knowledge and care I wouldn’t be where I am now after only 1 year in the game. I am so grateful for God who trust me with a platform and a voice to teach and inspire people around me. I am 100% certain that he never makes a mistake and that he put me here in this position to help others.”
Right after her National competition, Nay wen’t straight back into the gym, added more muscle to her frame, paid more attention to her diet, and came back stronger than before.
In 2016, Nay went on to compete in the NPC Miami Nationals where she finally fulfilled her dream of becoming a Pro Bodybuilding Competitor. All of this came after only “one year in the game”.
Social Media Icon
Ever since her journey began in 2015, Nay has gone on to become a social media icon and a full-time coach. Nay says she loves helping clients “all over the world” achieve their goals.
“I listen to dancehall music on my drive to the gym to get myself motivated and ready to lift.”
Nay’s Favorite Exercises
Some of Nays favourite exercises are the ‘money makers‘ such as the deadlift, squat, pull-ups, leg raises, and single-leg glute bridges. All of which help to sculpt a well-rounded physique.
“I finish every workout with wide-grip pull-ups, but if I am super exhausted after a workout, I do assisted pull-ups. Ratios are the key to an hourglass figure — the wider the back, the smaller the waistline will appear!”
“I will take a fat burner because the thermogenics really help me sweat during my workout.”
Before each of her workouts, Nay likes to eat a “high-carb” meal to help her through her intense workouts.
Nay will also take a pre-workout before her gym sessions, and if she’s cutting, she’ll use a thermogenic to raise her body’s temperature.
Editor’s Tip
Inspired to reach your maximum potential like Nay? Read our comprehensive guide on how fat burner supplements can really up your game!
Idols and Influences
Nay takes her drive and focus from setting a positive example for her daughter. Nay said, “When I hear her little voice on the videos at my show, it makes me melt. When I won my Pro title, my daughter screamed, ‘My mommy won!'”
The pride of knowing her daughter looks up to her keeps Nay motivated as a positive role model, powerful single mother, and IFBB Pro competitor.
What we can learn from Nay Jones
Even though Nay went through a difficult break up, where she was left raising a child single handed. Nay still managed to pursue her dreams of becoming an IFBB Pro Figure Competitor.
What we can learn from Nay is “goal setting!” can be a powerful tool, that could mean the difference between success or failure. Nay says:
“The best advice I’ve ever been given is that if you want to attain a goal, you have to work for it. Nobody in the world is going to work harder for your success than you. If you want something, don’t wait on anyone to hand it to you.” – Nay Jones
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U are sexy nay fit I love u❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️…..
Queen of the mother earth you got my vote hands down you look so nice
Way to go Nay….putting a positive spin on a negative situation! Pain is a great motivator and you have most definitely proved that! Your great look is a testament to your hard work, dedication and determination! Someone is probably kicking themselves for leaving you! Peace and blessings to you and your daughter!
OMG! I have fallen in LOVE with this woman and her physique! She has sculpted the perfect NUBIAN QUEEN body! You are absolutely a PRINCESS OF FITNESS!!??
You are hot Nay every time I watch your videos I always I wanna be like her, you are stunning
I’m so very proud of you nay for sharing your story with us like they said if the apple fall off the tree she most pick herself up and try it again but this time stronger GOD BLESS you always and your daughter I will be looking for more on your success and your happiness wish there was some one out there for the older women who just have dreams of being big and strong ?
Hi Nay – you are gorgeous! Impressive physique! Admire your dedication!
Damn you are gorgeous want to meet you someday to help me with training.
Nay Jones, thick, juicy, dam, muscle, chocolate, can, we be friends ?
Can believe ur not ghanian with skin like chocolate .. from sw11 2sj London
You have a great body, but I see your whole life as constantly working out and admiring pictures of yourself. I hope I am wrong.
You will never be truly fulfilled if that is all there is.
Good luck,
All I see when I look at Nay Jones is a real life true inspiration, her passion for what she does is totally infectious and motivating, plus the fact that she is ever so slightly stunning.
Just wanted to kno if youve ever heard of yababeth she also an amazing trainer she reminds me of you shape and technique?