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Boss Lean Mass is one of the most sophisticated, and professional workout programs that you’ll find anywhere online.
If your goal is to build solid lean muscle, you’ll find everything you need with this detailed video series of workouts.
Not only does each video walk you through the workout and exercises that will sculpt an awesome physique, it also contains numerous nutrition, and workout eBooks – leaving no stones un-turned.
In our opinion, the additional guides that come along with the video series, are possibly the most advanced you’ll find anywhere online.
In this review of Boss Lean Mass, we’ll run through what Boss Workouts has to offer. We’ll show you screen shots and take you through this killer workout and nutrition guide.
But first, we need to start off by saying that Boss Lean Mass is no walk in the park.
You’ll be pushed hard, you might even be doing exercises and workouts that you’ve never done before.
The good news is, it’s totally worth it! Your body will be left screaming for more. At the end of Boss Lean Mass, you’ll have the physique of a true athlete.
Boss Lean Mass was created by a team of fitness professionals that decided to come together, and give the public what they wanted and needed.
After doing a little digging, we managed to get hold of two of the creators behind Boss Lean Mass; Lee Bell and Jason Sani. We asked them why they decided to create Boss Lean Mass in the first place.
Lee sent us this explaining how Boss Workouts was born: “After spending over a decade in the fitness industry training thousands of clients, and giving lectures on sport science. Myself and our team saw there was a lot of misinformation floating around the internet.
Almost every week, we were approached by people wanting to change their lives for the better. They’d tell us about an online program they’d just started, or an article they read. Most of the stuff they told us was either way off, completely un-safe or just the opposite of the what they actually needed to reach their goal.
Long story short, we wanted to put an end to era of ‘misinformation’ on the internet, and instead, provide people with something they could rely on.
I think one of the reasons why people like Boss Workouts the most is, it’s a collaboration between numerous professionals in the fitness industry and it’s one of the most comprehensive workout guides that people will come across.”
Jason Sani is the trainer inside Boss Lean Mass. He’s been around the world training celebrities, and weekend warriors – successfully helping people change their lives for the better.
He’s taken part in CrossFit compeititons, triathlon competitions, as well as TV shows in America – further expanding his reach around the globe to improve the health and well-being of thousands of people.
Ultimately, Jason Sani is a well-rounded trainer who knows how to motivate, and get you the results you desire.
I quickly fell in love with the process of setting goals and fulfilling them. At a young age, I built my identity in the weight room and the dividends paid off in my personal and athletic life.
You have to find meaning. The goal of having abs is cool but what are you going to do with your abs? Fall in love with the best version of yourself, what could you do if you had more energy and more confidence?”
Read more about Jason Sani Here
Inside each Boss Lean Mass program you’ll find a full video series hosted by Jason Sani.
In total, there are 10 videos detailing every movement and workout that will change your body from couch potato, into a lean and muscular Greek God, or Goddess.
Not only that, there is a Training Guide, Nutrition Guide, Recipe Guide, and Training Chart. Where you can keep a track of your progress as you develop through Boss Lean Mass.
The program is split into two phases. Each phase is repeated for two weeks, before moving onto the next phase for another two weeks. This will continue throughout a total of 12 weeks. Each phase has specific goals.
#Phase one consists of building a solid foundation of muscle. This is where you’ll see the most changes in size and strength, while you get to grips with shifting heavier weight using compound movements.
#Phase two is comprised of higher repetitions and more isolation exercises, with short rest times. This helps to lean out your physique, while conditioning your muscles.
#Extra Workouts There are additional workouts inside Boss lean Mass, that you can do to speed up your metabolism, and boost fat loss. This is ideal if you find your weight isn’t coming down as quickly as you’d like. Or perhaps you have the extra time to fit it it, whatever the reason, there’s a lot a variations and possibilities within this 12 week workout plan.
No matter if you’re a guy, girl, junior, or senior lifter, Boss Lean Mass is for anyone who wants to pack on serious muscle in a short space of time.
Boss Lean Mass walks you through a series of muscle and anabolic building workouts.
Expect your testosterone to increase, your lean muscle mass to improve and your strength to go through the roof.
Boss Lean Mass is for people who want to:
If you’ve not taken part in a gym workout routine before, or you haven’t followed any type of plan for more than a week, then you might have to make adjustments to your lifestyle to make this plan work for you.
You might also be challenged more than you have before in other workouts with your local gym, or personal trainer – but who said getting the body of your dreams came easy?
But on the other hand, if we closely examine Boss Lean Mass and what it has to offer, it covers all bases.
It contains easy to follow and highly motivating videos, nutrition guides, and a complete workout ebook that’s worth more than the current price tag (in our opinion) – plus much more.
Boss Lean Mass costs roughly $90. We thought that was a fair price to pay considering the amount of detailed information inside this workout guide.
Not only that. If you take into account that most personal trainers charge anywhere between $30-70 for one session, this is a bargain!
Once you buy Lean Mass, you will have lifetime access to the entire video series, training, and nutrition guides.
This means that even if you fall of track, or you leave the plan for a long time, you can always come back and pick up where you left off – hassle free.
There you have it, one of the most detailed online workout guides that you’ll find available anywhere. If you’re serious about getting into a workout program that will build solid muscle, then look no further.
Be warned, this ain’t going to be an easy ride – it’s no home yoga workout, you’ll be busting your ass in every session. The good news is, you’ve got everything you need to make it happen inside this program – all you need to do is turn up week after week.
Hopefully we’ve answered all of your questions on Boss Lean Mass, if not, hit us up with a question in the comments section below and we’ll get back to you quicker than you can say – “Lean Mass!”