With this 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain you’ll be stronger, leaner and more athletic in no time at all.
There are no secrets to a well-crafted, aesthetic physique.
The truth is that athletic, powerful and imposing guys make every minute count. They have the best program, a diet that supports both weight loss and muscle gain, and above all else – they’re dedicated to the cause. Unbreakable resolve and determination is what puts the pros a cut above.
In this 5 day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain we lift the lid on the most simple, effective workout plan to carve out muscle gains while shredding excess belly fat. If you want a complete physique overhaul, you’re in the right place.
This is how to look like the pros…
Goal: | Muscle building, fat loss |
Aimed at: | Intermediate to advanced |
Program duration: | 5-days |
Workout duration: | 45-60 minutes |
Equipment needed: | barbell, dumbbell, resistance machines |
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5-Day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain
Completely change the way you look, perform and feel with this brutally-effective strength training program.
To build a strong and athletic physique you need to spend time in the gym. Newbies can hit up the weights room a couple of times per week and make gains – they’re so deconditioned that literally any kind of training will improve the way they look.
You on the other hand need much more of a stimulus to push the boundaries of mass gain and leanness. You’re already on your way to a muscular frame, and the following factors of training have become your bible of gains…
- Intensity
- Volume
- Frequency
There’s only so much intensity and volume you can pack into a workout before excessive fatigue kicks in though. Even as a finely tuned, experienced lifter, set after set of heavy weights will soon take its toll.
The quality of your sessions would taper off and the excessive soreness would soon have you burnt out and feeling beat up.
What’s the cure?
Increase frequency.
Taking the number of workouts from 3 to 5 per week is a simple way of adding in more weekly volume without suffering fatigue and exhaustion. With enough time on your hands, this 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain helps you balance all important variables.
It’s your one-way ticket to a show-ready greatest physique.
Use a 5-day split to build muscle and shred fat
We’ve designed this split to maximize productivity and output.
Your week is arranged like this:
- Day 1: Legs and abs
- Day 2: Back and biceps
- Day 3: Rest
- Day 4: Chest and triceps
- Day 5: Rest
- Day 6: Shoulders and traps
- Day 7: Arms
For the best results, stick to this plan for 6-8 weeks before taking a break. Consistency is key here, so build up momentum with this 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain.
Once you’ve completed 6-8 weeks of this workout routine, upgrade to this 12-week advanced 12-week mass building transformation workout plan.
Day 1: Legs and abs
Quadriceps, hamstrings and calves
A1. Barbell squat- 3 x 6-8 reps
B1. Romanian deadlift – 3 x 6-8 reps
C1. Hack squat – 4 x 12-15 reps
D1. Lying leg curl – 4 x 12-15 reps
E1. Standing calf raise – 4 x 6-10 reps
F1. Hanging leg raises – 3 x 15-20 reps
G1. Weighted ab curl – 3 x 6-10 reps
H1. Barbell roll-out – 3 x 10-15 reps
Check out this video on how to perform the barbell roll-out with superior technique…
Day 2: Back and biceps
A1. Pendlay row – 4 x 6-8 reps
B1. Wide grip pull-ups – 4 x 6-8 reps
C1. Single arm row – 4 x 8-12 reps
D1. Dumbbell reverse fly – 4 x 15-20
E1. V-bar pulldown – 4 x 8-12 reps
F1. EZ bar curl – 3 x 6-8 reps
G1. Dumbbell hammer curl – 3 x 6-10 reps
Here’s how to Pendlay row with great form…
Day 4: Chest and triceps
A1. Incline barbell press – 4 x 6-8 reps
B1. Dumbbell flat bench press – 4 x 8-12 reps
C1. Decline dumbbell fly – 3 x 12-15 reps
D1. Incline bench cable fly – 4 x 12-20 reps
E1. Narrow barbell press – 4 x 6-8 reps
F1. EZ bar skullcrusher – 4 x 8-12
G1. Rope extensions – 3 x 8-15
Not sure how to perfect the incline bench cable fly? Check out this video…
Day 6: Shoulders and traps
A1. Barbell military press – 4 x 6-8 reps
B1. Dumbbell Arnold press – 4 x 8-12 reps
C1. Dumbbell lateral raise – 4 x 8-15 reps
D1. Dumbbell front raise – 4 x 8-15 reps
E1. Smith machine shrug – 4 x 4-8 reps
F1. Chest supported incline shrug – 4 x 8-12 reps
Check out this video on how to execute the chest supported incline shrug…
Day 7: Arms
A1. Chest supported EZ bar spider curl – 4 x 8-12 reps
B1. Seated incline dumbbell curl – 4 x 8-15 reps
C1. Barbell reverse curl – 4 x 15-20
D1. Weighted dips – 4 x 6-8 reps
E1. Dumbbell overhead extension – 4 x 8-12 reps
F1. Dumbbell squeeze press – 4 x 12-20
Here’s how to spider curl with perfect form…
Workout tips
A physique is only as good as the program that creates it.
However, even with the best workout routine in the world, you still can benefit from the short-cut workout tips. Check out this section on hints and hacks to get even better results.
#1. Stick to the plan
It’s easy to get a little too motivated on a new workout routine. You’re always itching to work harder and harder in the gym, no matter how beat up you feel.
This 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain is a calculated program with just the right amount of volume to push the boundaries of your physique. There’s no need to throw in extra sets or reps – if you work hard enough with the program we’ve given to you, you’ll see results in less than 3 weeks of solid training.
Be patient and stick to the plan.
#2. Progressive overload
How do you ensure you’re working hard enough in the gym? Use progressive overload, that’s how.
This simply refers to using weights that are challenging and constantly looking to push harder rather than resting in your comfort zone.
When you choose a weight, you should base it on the specific rep range you’re working in. For example, if your rep range is 8-12 you should choose a weight that allows you to complete more than 8 strict reps, but no more than 12.
If you can do more than 12 it’s too light.
If the rep range is 4-8 and you grind out 11 reps, guess what… yep, it’s too light.
As soon as you can complete 12 full reps, it’s time to increase the load on the bar. Every set should be challenging. Every rep should count.
#3. You can hypertrophy a muscle at any rep range
Gone are the days when scientists thought the only way to grow muscle was in a set rep range of 8-10 reps.
If a muscle fiber is recruited and fatigued, it’ll grow.
Research studies have shown that weights as heavy as 100% of your maximum and as light as your 30% will lead to hypertrophy… providing total volume for the week is high enough.
In this 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain we’ve varied the rep range to hit different muscle fibers, build strength and carve out a more rounded physique. But we’ve still maintained a high enough volume to grow huge slabs of muscle.
#4. Rest is important
Repping out heavy things is only the stimulus for muscle growth. When you lift weights to fatigue you create microscopic trauma within muscle cells. The more you train, the more damage you cause.
It’s away from the gym that your body begins to heal itself; building back bigger and stronger to stop that damage from happening again.
Rest is important as it provides an opportunity for muscles to grow, joints to recover and your body to stay on top of its game. Disrespect your rest days and eventually you’ll soon suffer from exhaustion and illness.
Appreciate their value and you’ll soon be looking more muscular.
#5. Support your goals with the correct nutrition plan
The bottom line is that you CAN’T lose fat mass unless you’re in a calorie deficit.
This 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain provides the building blocks to create your dream physique… but only if you support it with the right diet.
For slow, steady and manageable weight loss you should shoot for a calorie intake that’s ~20% lower than maintenance. For more rapid fat loss go with a more aggressive 40% but only for a week or two at a time.
For a more comprehensive guide to nutrition for weight loss and muscle gain, check out our expert article on bodybuilding diet: eating for muscle mass.
The bottom line
With this 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain you’re giving your physique the best tools to enhanced athleticism, performance and aesthetics. Follow it for 6-8 weeks and completely transform the way you look and feel.
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